byakuya dies at the end smh rip😔😔

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You habd just hottin up reading to hiy the town in yhe face with your cwrming good looks 🤩  when you deside that you otttk commit nerd and go to the lybread y. Once you get there you oder foud books eith a side of paper cutes. you turn arroun and thatsg when you see him! You see hoe ass rotch dicccy boi and you go ♡(> ਊ <)♡. You tjink to leave him a line bc hes in the middle of eating his loved once but then you rhonk, "THIS IS MY ONLY CHANGE TO TSK TO RITCH NERD BITCH IMA FO IT AHA." YOU walk up to him and say "🥺👉👈" ............ wait fir a responde.... He lookd you up amc down........m. he starts to gag. Hr continuse. He won't stip fuckin gaging. Everybody stares at him buy no one wants to happen, somein int he back is laughing theirvass odff. Soon he gags so hard that his heart pipd out of his mounth.  He drops to yhe grind. With his ladt breath of air he sayd "haha ur poor" he's died. You go back home satitfied

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