byakuya is still dead 🥵😔

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"first we have to figure out the murder weapon, he died by gaging out his out heart." "Do you think it could be poison?" "Maybe but his last words were 'haha ur poor' why would he say that if he was poisoned?" "Maybe the killer used cheep poison?" "NO THATS WRONG! maybe he said that because he was gaging at a poor person!" "That ridiculous, there's no way he couldve died from seeing a poor person!" "Why do you say that. It is my belief that he saw a poor person and was so disgusted that he couldn't stop gaging and ended up gaging out his heart" "well then who's the murderer if he gaged out his own heart?" "Well who here I'd poor?" They all look at you... "THE MURDERER WAS Y/N USING THE WEAPON POOR!!!!!!!"

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