Chapter Eleven: Why Didn't He?

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Chapter Eleven: Why Didn't He?

Lizzy's P.O.V. 

"Pepperoni pizza for Table nine!" Said the chef behind the counter. I took the pizza, smiling weakly at him. He must've seen I was tired, because he asked me a question right afterwards.

"Why are you so tired?"

"You don't believe me." I muttered, then stumbled out of the kitchen. Hunger clawed at my stomach. I had to constantly swallow my spit to keep my throat from becoming totally dry. This whole 'No food, water or sleep for four days' thing wasn't really working for me. 

I accidentally bumped into Xavier. "Sorry." I said, yawning.

He frowned. "The past few days have been hectic. You need rest."


"I'll cover your shift and get you some food and water."

I sighed. "What if Mr. Booker finds out?"

"He won't. And if he does, I'm sure he understand."

I opened my mouth to protest, but he put his finger over it. He took the pizza from my hands. "Now, why don't you go into the backstage area, and I'll be there shortly."

At first, I was hesitant. One, Sara's dead body was back there. Two, he needed as much rest as I did. But, I knew he was desperate, so I nodded. He removed his finger, then walked away. 

"Table nine!" I said in his direction.

"I know!" He said back.

I half-smiled, then snuck into the back stage area. I found a cozy spot where I couldn't see Sara. I sat down, sitting against the wall. After a few seconds of Xavier not coming, I got bored. So, I started poking around. 

Next to a bucket, I found an old, wrinkled up newspaper. I could tell at one point it was wet. I picked it up. Most of the text was smeared, but one paragraph was still pretty legible. I noticed a picture of vintage Bonnie, Chica and Freddy next to it.*

Grand Re-Opening!
Vintage pizzeria given new life! 
Come be a part of the new face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!
What could possibly go wrong?
100.50 a week!
To apply call:

Judging by the vintage characters, I assumed the clipping was from 1987. And, after doing the math in my head, I realized 100.50 would be minimum wage, if they were working the same amount of time we were. I was pretty sure I remembered my parents reading this when I was little...

As if on cue, Xavier walked in. I quickly dropped the newspaper into the bucket and sat in my spot again. He smiled, then walked over to me. I noticed he had a plate of pepperoni pizza and a bottle of water in his hands.

"Thanks...!" I said, rubbing my eyes.

"No problem!" He said, then set the food down next to me. After he left, I picked up the plate and ate, then chugged down the water. The hunger and thirst somewhat went away, but I was still tired. So, I got into a good sleeping position and closed my eyes, falling into slumber. 


"Liz? Liz, wake up!" Said a familiar voice as they violently shook me. 

I opened my eyes to see the figure was Jake. I sat up, then stretched. "Hey." I said as I rubbed my eyes.

"It's almost twelve. We should get to the office."

I nodded, then got up and stretched again. I followed him into the office to see Kaitlyn and Xavier ere already there. The clock struck Midnight, and the recording began. 

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