Chapter Thirteen: The Plan

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Chapter Thirteen: The Plan

Lizzy's P.O.V.

My jaw dropped down to the floor.

"But he seemed so nice! Why would he do this?"

"I don't know, lass. Cold hearted, I guess. Can't accept what happened to 'er."

"We've gotta do something about this! We can't let him keep killing people!"

"Me and the others have tried, trust me. It's not that easy."

"Well, now you have more help! Me and my friends! I'm sure together we can come up with something! Foxy, I promise that by the end of the week, You will no longer have to kill."

"You sure?"

"I'm positive."

"Thanks Liz. Let's just hope your friends can trust us after Chica..."

"... Stuffed Sara." I completed his sentence.

"Erm, yeah."

"Come on!" I stood up and ran out of Pirate's Cove. There was no time to waste. I knew Foxy could keep up. Jake had seen him running in the halls before. 

We finally made it to the office. In peeked my head in through the door. Xavier, Jake and Kaitlyn looked at me, smiling.

"Lizzy! We though you were dead!" Said Kaitlyn. Just at that moment, Foxy walked behind me. The three screamed, and Xavier slammed on the door button. I quickly took my head out and stood next to Foxy. Some part of me felt angered and irritated.

I began banging on the door as I heard the three whisper. "Guys! Let him explain!"

There were more whispers before the door opened. Everyone had scared looks on their faces. I ignored them and stepped in. Foxy did the same.

"So, why is Foxy here?" Jake asked.

"Just listen to his story." I said.

Foxy told everyone what he had told me. The dirty truth about our boss. By the end, everyone looked less scared and more shocked. 

"That's ridiculous!" Said Xavier.

"Yeah!" Kaitlyn added.

"So we're good?" I said. Everyone nodded. I looked up at Foxy and smiled. "Now the gang?"

He nodded. "Follow me."

Everyone followed him to the stage. Bonnie and Chica were gone. The only animatronic that remained was Freddy. 

"Wha-" Said the bear animatronic.

"I told them." Foxy admitted. At first, Freddy looked furious.

"But, we're gonna help, so you don't have to kill people." Said Jake.

Now he looked curious.

"Guys, come here." He called. His robotic voice echoed through the pizzeria. Bonnie and Chica returned, and Freddy explained. Chica clapped her hands, or wings, together.

"That's great!" She said.

"Now we just need a plan." Said Bonnie. 

"Let's brainstorm." I said.

Jake checked his watch. "Okay, it's two AM. Mr. Booker usually comes a little after six. Which means we have four hours to plan. So, let's get to work!"


Short chapter, I know. The next one will be longer, and possibly the second to last! So get pumped!

Bye! -Autumn

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