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Quick heads up before we get going here. While in octo canyon or on missions, I will be referring to the agents by their numbers. For a refresher; Calie is 1, Marie is 2, Zack is 3, Mason is 4, Pearl is 5, Marina is 6 (I dont know if those two are really agents 5 and 6, but that's just my personal head cannon), Serah is 7, 8 is, well, 8, (A/9) is 9, and you are 10. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

I woke up on my own. Looking over to the clock, I saw that it was 9:26. Sweet, slept in.
It started to get out of bed, until I noticed a weigh on my chest. I looked down and saw (A/9) still fast asleep in the position we went to bed in. Memories from the night before came flooding back, causing me to smile. I didn't want to, but I shook her awake.
"(A/9)? hey wake up."
"Mmm. No, you're comfy."
"Common, we gotta get up before your dad sees us like this."
"Fiiiiiine!" We both climbed out of bed. Me in the clothes I've been wearing for the past two days, I probably didn't smell the best, and her in her night gown. I grabbed what few belongings I had and left the room so (A/9) could change. A few minutes later, she comes out of our room wearing white boat shoes, a blue and red striped sun dress that went down to her knees, and a light purple sun hat that partially covered her now light blue tenticals. She was also carrying green and orange back pack.
"How do I look?" She asked me shyly.
She looked amazing! However, all I could manage to spit out was, "uh, eheh." I had one of the stupidest smiles in the history of ever plastered on my face.
(A/9) giggled at me and walked downstairs. I mentally facepalmed a few times and thought "note to self: git gud at talking to (A/9)!"
I headed downstairs for breakfast and saw John glaring at me from the living room. (A/9) noticed this as well. She walked over to me and kissed me right in front of him. It caught me off guard at first but it also didn't take me long to get into it by wrapping my arms around her. As soon as she broke the kiss, she put her head and her hands against my chest (I forgot she was more than a head shorter than me) saying, "Morning, handsome." John gritted his teeth, but he didn't say anything.
We sat down to eat breakfast while John watched TV. Abby was cleaning up a little in the kitchen when she asked us, "So do you two have any plans today?"
"Yeah we're gonna meet up with some friends later." (A/9) told her mom.
"Actually, before we do that, I wanted to check out the shops and buy some new clothes." I said. "These ones need to be washed."
"Ok, sure," (A/9) said, "we've got some time before we have to meet everyone."
"Will you need some money?" Abby asked me.
"Maybe? Cap'n gave me some cash the other day, but I have no idea how much." I took out the bag of inkling money and set it on the table.
"Let me see that." (A/9) said as she looked into the bag. "T-twenty K!?"
"Um, I think that's more than enough to get me a few new outfits." I said shocked. Man those coins are light, I've been carrying that bag on my belt since the Cap'n gave it to me and it didn't seem to weigh a thing.
As soon as we finished eating, (A/9) and I took the bus to Inkopolis Square so I could finally get some clean clothes.
The first stop was ye old cloth shoppe. I bought six shirts, since I'd have to change those most often, and walked out wearing a black 8-bit fish fry. Next stop, Shella Fresh.
I picked out two pairs of shoes (one for every day and a nicer pair for special occasions) and walked out wearing my new black trainers. Last but not least, Head Space.
I picked out four hats so I could have some options, but in the end I left wearing a pair of tinted shades. The lenses turned (H/c) to match my hair, cool. What's not so cool is that at the end of this little shopping spree, I only had about 300 coins left.
"Well that ate through most of my cash." I sighed. I'll probably never have that much money even again.
"Well at least you have clean clothes now." (A/9) said trying to make me feel better.
"Yeah, that's true." I was still pretty bummed about all that cash disappearing all at once.
(A/9) checked the time on her phone. "Its 12:45, we should head to octo canyon."
"Alri-wait, how am I supposed to get there?"
"We'll just move the grate."
"Oh, right, duh." We moved the grate out of the way and climbed into the hole. After walking for a while, we came across a ladder leading to another grate.
"You go on ahead, I still need to change into my hero outfit." (A/9) told me.
"Alright, I'll see who else is here." I climbed up the latter moved the grate, revealing the rest of the agents.
"Bout time you got here." 7 complained.
"Where's agent 9?" Cap'n asked.
"(A/9)'s changing into her uniform," I explained, "are we the last ones here?"
"Fraid so." 3 said, "and down here, we use out numbers."
"Well in that case, 9 should be here any second." As if on que, 9 came up out of the main entrance.
"Hey guys." She said.
"Bout time 9!" 4 teased.
"Well now that everyone is here," Cap'n said getting everyone's attention, "we have a new recruite. For those of you who don't know, this is (Y/n), he'll be joining us as agent 10." There was a small round of applause from the agents I already met.
"Wait why does he just get to join up without a trile or saving anybody?" I looked over at where the voice came from and finally noticed both the squid sisters and off the hook! Holy shit I'm freaking out. "Well why is that?" It was Pearl, figurs.
"Common Pearly, be nice." Marina said next to her.
"Common now agents 5 and 6, settle down." Cap'n told the two.
"Actually, I'm kind of curious about that too." Marie said. OMG ITS CALIE AND MARIE!!!!
"Well, maybe he did do something." Calie remarked.
"He did save me." 9 said blushing again.
"Knocked the guy out cold!" 4 chuckled
"And on his first day of school too." 3 added.
"Not to mention he's human." 8 said.
"WHAT?" 1, 2, 5, and 6 yelled at the same time.
"You didn't tell them ahead of time, Cap'n?" I asked.
"That's what these meetings are for." Cap'n said.
"Dude, you gotta do an interview with us sometime!" Pearl said much friendlier.
"Bad idea 5," 7 said. So Pearl is 5 and Marina is 6.
"What? Why?" 5 complained.
"If people found out I was human, they would start following me around." I said.
"And that could mean finding us." 9 finished, gesturing to all of us.
"Geese, you've been dating for less than a day and your already finishing each other's sentences." 8 said, apparently 3 told her about us.
"Hold on, they're together already?" Cap'n said annoyed, "didn't I tell you two to keep your hormones in check?"
9 and I started blushing, while the others just laughed.
"Alright, alright," Cap'n called trying to rane everyone back in, "aside from finding a human, it's been quite, a little too quiet if you ask me, and I have no further announcements. Is there anything anyone needs to say?"
"I do," 8 said raising her hand.
"What is it then missy?" Cap'n asked. 8 looked nervous.
"Well... I'm going to be temperley leaving the splatoon." There were a few gasps and questions from everyone, including me.
"The reason is, well..." 8 put her hand over her stomach and smiled. Could she really be? I looked around and noticed a lot of the others had the same thought I did, but there were a few clueless ones; namely 1, 3, 4, and 5.
"Well don't leave us in suspense!" 4 said. Mason you moron.
8 teared up a little and smiled so widely I thought her hole head would turn into one big toothy grin, "I'm pregnant!" Those of us that understood from the beginning cheered and congratulated her, while the clueless ones had a realization. 1 got excited immediately and hugged her, 4 just sat there and said "oh, wait what?!" 5 had a look of shock on her face that quickly turned into a death glare pointed at 3. I looked back at 3 and he was ecstatic! He was teary eyed and smiling just as big as 8. He ran over to his girlfriend and spun her around while kissing her. After 3 put 8 down, he put his hand on her stomach and whispered, "I'm gonna be a dad!"
"Wonder what the kid'll be like." I wondered aloud.
"Well he'll obviously be a hero like me!" 3 said proudly. 8 looked annoyed.
"How do you know SHE won't be an assassin like me?"
"Oh boy, here we go." 7 sighed.
"Look what you did." 9 said as she nugged me. Woops.
"You know, there are more important issues you could be focusing on right now." 2 told them.
"Like housing for one." 6 said, "you're going to need more room to raise a child."
"I never understood why you decided to live in such a small apartment in the first place," Cap'n said, "with the combined salary of two agents, plus what you earn in turf war and salmon run, you should be able to buy a nice house and the best furniture." I never realized we got paid for this. And if the check's that good, then why was 3 complaining about rent yesterday?
"We wanted to be close to the square." 8 explained.
"Well now you're gonna need a bigger place." I told them.
"There's a house for sale not to far from where (Y/n), I mean, 10 and I live." 9 said excitedly, "We could be neighbors!"
"And if you need a babysitter, I'm sure John and Abby would be glad to help," I said, "Although, 3's parents would probably be your first choice."
"No way!" 3 snapped at me. "My parents don't approve of me and 8, so I doubt they'll be happy about us having a kid together!"
"Zack, you should at least talk to them." 8 told 3.
"Not happening." He didn't yell at her, but it was clear that he was pissed.
"Don't you think our baby should grow up with grandparents?" 8 asked raising her voice a little.
"He'll have grandpa Cuttlefish! Not to mention all of his aunts and uncles here!" 3 gestured to all of us.
"Firstly, our baby's gonna be a girl. Secondly, you'll need to tell your parents sometime."
3 sighed in defeat, "I know, I'm just worried about what they'll say, or worse do."
First things first," 5 said, "Let's get you guys a new pad!"
"I can show you to that house I was talking about." 9 said.
"And if you end up not liking it, you can always move back in with us." 6 reassured them.
"Thanks Marina," 8 said, "but I don't want the baby to keep you two up at night."
"Besides, it was probably time to get a better place anyway." 3 added.
"On that note," Cap'n said, "10, here's your hero suit and a squid phone so you can keep in touch with the others, it's already got everyone's numbers saved on it and everything. Now let's go see this house!"
"Cap'n, you're coming along too?" 3 asked.
"Of corse my boy! In fact, I'm making this an official mission, help 3 and 8 find a house!"
"Pearl and I don't need to do the news again for a few more hours, so let's go!" Marina said. And with that, we all set out to find the expecting parents a home.

1991 words. Hey less than 2000! Anyway, so yeah 8's pregnant and off to buy a house with 3! I'm not going to follow them much in this book, but I might make a prequel following this 3 and 8 as they first get to know each other. If I do then it will probably overlap with some of the sceans from this book (like 8 announcing she's pregnant) but from an alternating POV between 3 and 8. And for that reason, I'm not going to introduce 3' parents or show their reactions to becoming grandparents. I'm ranting, so I'll just shut up and get to work on the next chapter. See you then!

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