Ice and Fire- ZelkPvP #1

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Inspired by Soul Seeking by: Faded-Red. Seriously it's 👌 and you should go check it out. 

Also inspired by MidoriMatcha, their YouTube channel is here:


Mega felt unseen tears sift under his balaclava. Not that Fae's feel with that curse of theirs. Crying was something Fae's were known to do under extreme emotions. Love counted as one, he guessed. The Guardian was crouching, holding his stomach. Or, at least whatever he had left of it. The orc had blown a hole straight through his stupid torso. He drew his rapier and pointed it at the beast.

[Leave.] He spoke. The tone was forceful, and protective. It was his fault that the idiot got hurt, and badly at that. The rest of the group huddled around Zelk, trying to heal him. Mega rolled his eyes. Everyone knows only immortals can heal each other, apparently these people are not everyone.

His grip on his weapon tightened. He could feel it. Feel Zelk's conscious fliting between deciding to leave or to stay. Feel, the blood soaking that fancy cloak of his. Most of all, he could feel amusement. Of course, the immortal one would think this is funny. They could only feel pain. Never death. Sometimes it was a burden rather than a gift, he concluded. The orc had finally given into his mind games and agreed to clear the path for them.

As soon as the orc turned and walked away, he spun around on his heel, and briskly walked straight to Zelk's form on the ground.

[You all go ahead and follow the troll. Healing him is useless.]

Not surprisingly Clay, Vincent, Zak, and Darryl all disagreed, and refused to move away. That's until he summoned a spike of ice to sprout a tight circle around the injured god.

[Trust me. You can't do anything beyond feeling bad. Mortals can't heal higher deities.]

"And how do we know that you won't hurt him more once we leave?" Vincent retorted sharply. Mega summoned another spike.

[You'll just have to hope I don't.] He growled, leaving the ice spear to float in the air.

After some time, they managed to convince themselves that Mega wouldn't tear Zelk to pieces.

"Fine, but if we come back and-"

[If you want your friend to not be in excruciating pain, I suggest you move]

Mega was getting impatient, and the sight of Zelk curling up into his cloak gave him anxiety. The group gave him one final glare, before rushing off. Zelk laughed softly at the ice dome that formed around them. Mega fell next to Zelk's side and drew power from the ice around them.

[This is all your fault, you fucking idiot] He hissed, feeling his voice shake. It was because he knew he was lying. Zelk was everything. The world. The sun. The whole fucking universe. There was no point to existing if he didn't.

Zelk giggled again.

"You know I can't die, righ-" Mega interrupted him, angrily.

[No, but you can fade out of existence if you're in too much pain. You can cease to exist.] His hands trembled violently as blue aura flowed steadily in and out Zelk's wound.

"I don't see why that's so bad." Zelk murmured. However, when he saw Mega's eyes slowly turn glassy and emotional, he sat up gently.

"Look, I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here." He reassured the Fae.

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