25 (long one)

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She woke up alone on the couch. The sunset outside peaked through masses of grey clouds, illuminating the room with a reddish light. From the clouds, she felt like it was going to rain that night. 

she yawned as she walked into the kitchen, the tower seemed empty.  Everyone had probably left, and Loki was elsewhere. She yawned again, feeling a headache start to form. She still felt tired, so she started off to her room. She'll try and get some more sleep. 

For some reason, sleeping was a bit easier lately. In fact, she didn't recall any nightmares from her nap. She hoped she'd be lucky enough to catch a few more hours of sleep, this time in her bed. as she made her way up to her room the sky grew darker and the distant sound of rumbling thunder barely reached her ears.

she reached the hall where her room was, a took a glance at another door nearby. The door to Loki's room. the thought of him made her chest swell and face heat up in a familiar way when she could swear she had never felt that way before. her gaze lingered on his door as she entered her own room. She couldn't help but wonder what Loki was up to. reading? sleeping? really, there wasn't much for him to do.

While her mind lingered on Loki she remembered what he did to Tony. the thought of it made her want to break out laughing again. He really was occupying her mind right now, even as she crawled into her bed to catch up on a bit more sleep. He treated her kindly and the more time she spent with him the more she needed to remember what she had forgotten. Who was he to her? clearly someone important.

She shut her eyes and slowly, yet easily drifted off to sleep. 

Moments later she began to dream. 

The setting was clear. It was a crisp evening outside that gold palace again. she was in a very pretty dress. she felt incredibly elegant, regal even. the air was clean but felt heavy as her chest heaved deep breaths.  she was reliving an old memory again, she was sure of it. movements were automatic, she was running on autopilot as she lifted an arm to fiddle with one of her earrings. Her thoughts were all jumbled together in a terrible cacophony of incoherent mumbles. the more she tried to focus on one thought, the harder it got to understand. she became startled as the ground lightly rumbled as roots began to unearth themselves before her. They Grew, twisted, and coiled around each other as they began to take a shape. It became a man, one that moved with creaky, almost robotic movements. She couldn't make out his face, almost as her mind was censoring her own dream. the tree man reached out a hand to her and she took it.

They began to dance in the low lights of the empty garden.  spinning slowly as he guided her in a florigen waltz. she felt light of heart as her hand held tightly to his. it felt like this moment was meant to last forever. how romantic it was to be dancing in an empty garden with a mysterious wooden gentleman. 

The dance was over far too quickly. He took a bow and shrunk as the roots uncoiled themselves. when he had retreated to the earth she was all alone again.

a whisper fell to her lips in a revelation, " Do I like-"

Roaring thunder awoke her from the most pleasant dream she's had in ages. shortly followed by the thunder was a bolt of lightning and a loud electrical hiss. almost immediately an automatic voice rang out in the tower, " Stark tower systems temporarily down"

she threw herself out of bed with a huff, "don't you think Tony could have invested in damn decent generators?"

She looked out her window, the skyline was spotty as she looked through the heavy rain. many others must have lost power as well.

she sighed. she started her way to the emergency stairs, the elevator wont work so she will have to walk down to the kitchen so she can light some candles to see till the power was back on. She lingered at Loki's door. She thought about knocking on his door to see if he was awake. It was late... and he probably got woken up by the thunder as well, she best not bother him.

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