Truth in the Lie

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A phone rang in the distance of Jessica's bed. Instantly, Jessica opened her eyes, at first trembling with a bit of fear from the left over thoughts before she slept. Groggily she grabbed the crappy iPhone and swiped to answer.


Jessica froze. She could spot that voice anywhere. Deep but had a soft tone, soothing, full of hope and promises, and even a hint of a flirting tone. This was her worst nightmare, yet her best daydream. He could make her feel like a million bucks, yet at the same time feel like ending it all. Heath Gaines was talking to her. But it wasn't like it mattered. She already had a very good relationship friend wise with him. And she didn't want to ruin that.

"Hey Heath. What's up?" Already being there early today, she realized that she was just filling the conversation with known answers. Watching anime or playing video games. Maybe even outside, watching the stars and deciding whether to end his life or to just be tough and live. Whatever the case, she was mentally preparing for whatever was to come.

"Well I was supposed to go on a date with Reyna but she declined because of her messed up parents." He was very angry with the fact that he couldn't get his way, and you could hear the stubbornness in his voice.

He continued to say how much of a bitch Reyna was, her smooth tongue, and persuasive attitude simply was attractive towards him. "What can possibly kill me, makes me attracted towards them, much more then what can protect me." There was silence, and Jessica relished it, not because he wasn't talking. But because she didn't have to say anything.

Eventually though, she was going to have to say something. "Maybe she is afraid to lose what she has. So...she shoves away, instead of pulling closer. Self destructive." Not a lot of words, but enough to get the idea across. Reyna is just scared.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Jessica jumped. "Hey, uh dinner is ready and I have to go, I'll call you later..." She prayed that he would understand.

"Yeah. Later." Two words. She heard the click of the line and took a deep breath. This was really hard. Liking him, but not really wanting to like him.

She shook her head, unlocked the door, and opened it to see her mother. Checking the time, Jess saw it was six p.m. So much for homemade dinner.

Her mother stood there for a bit, looking at her daughter's room, posters of bands like Nirvana and Fall Out Boy were spread across her wall. In a tiny section of her room was where her piano achievements were displayed, and Cathy had to smile. Deep down the rebel facade of a teenager, was a women in the process.

Jess was confused on why her mother was standing like an idiot. " to mom?" She waved a hand in front of her face, wondering what happened. Her mother doesn't usually stare off into space unless there was something wrong, or unless she was depressed. And if that's the case then there really was something wrong.

Cathy shook her head and looked at her daughter with a bit of a sorry smile on her face. "Your food is ready. I made hamburgers. I know how much you like them." She smiled a bit proudly, having done so much in the little bit of time that she was here.

It was thoughtful that her mother would do something nice, but Jess couldn't believe it. Her mother was too busy and too worried about other things, that Jess accidentally spoke her mind. "This is the first time you've made dinner for me, and you expect me to forgive you right? As if all those years you've thrown away with me to spend time with my brother and sister never happened?" Hands trembling, Jess realized her mother was in tears. But she didn't stop there. "Dad is in the basement, Rachel can't even function if you don't give proper attention to her, Tony thinks he's a smart ass who can get what he wants, and I'm just that bitch who doesn't deserve to be treated fairly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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