Chapter One

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My name is Grace Salvatore. Now, I'm sure most of you haven't heard of me, and I don't blame you, but I am the forgotten younger sister of Damon and Stefan salvatore. Damon is seven years older than Stefan, and Stefan is five years older than me, making Damon twelve years older than me. I haven't seen my brothers in over 100 years. I'm pretty sure they've forgotten about me, probably assuming I'm dead.

My father, Giuseppe Salvatore, turned both of my brothers into vampires, blood given by Katherine. (Don't even get me started on the issues I have with Katherine Petrova.) My brothers never figured out I was a vampire, because I was turned into a vampire five years after they were. After my father shot them both, I ran off. I was only twelve, but I was taken in by a nearby family. It was a mother, father, and two kids. One of which was named Charles, who was my age. They were vampires, shouldn't really be a shock at this point. I lived with them until I was seventeen, which was when Charles turned me, and we miraculously fell in love. It was an amazing story, until Charles got into a deadly fight with an original vampire, Kol, I believe, and I was devastated. But, that was over twenty years ago. I'm over it.

The Mikaelsons are the family of first ever vampires. There are five originals, Klaus, Finn, Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah. I've never met any of them personally, but from what I've heard, they aren't great. Anyways, back to the story.

I moved to Mystic Falls to find my brothers. After finding out they were both still alive from Lexi, who I happened to find in New York, I wanted to see them. Who knows if they've been worried about me, I'm sure Damon was still caught up on Katherine, attempting to open the tomb where she was located, whatever. After Charles died, I've been travelling the world on my own. Spending time to work on myself, seeing amazing places, it was captivating. Once I met Lexi in Times Square and she told me they were both alive and well in Mystic Falls, I knew I had no choice but to go.

I knocked on the door of a ginormous house, which was called the "Salvatore Boarding House," where the infamous Salvatore brothers live. Glad to know I'm loved. 

A few seconds after I knocked, Stefan opened the door, looking at me. 

"Um, can I help you?" He asked, seeming to not know who I was. Maybe they couldn't recognize me. After all, last time they saw me I was 12, and my dark hair was much shorter than it is now.

I have dark brown, completely straight hair, with green eyes. My face was slim and toned with high cheekbones and freckles spotted across the bridge of my nose.

"Stefan! It's so good to see you!" Stefan looked me up and down. I was only wearing jeans and a dark blue tank top, so it wasn't exactly a fancy outfit. Nothing to stand out. "Do I know you?" Stefan asked, confused. I scoffed. "Are you kidding me?" Stefan scratched his head. "It's Grace!" I said, opening my arms. "No, are you serious?" He asked, leaning in for a hug. "Of course it's me!" I said, hugging him tightly and rubbing his back. "How are you alive? How are you so young! It's been hundreds of years!" "I know it has! Thought I was dead, huh?" I laughed. "Okay, maybe just a little. Are you a vampire?" I nodded, walking in the house. "Where's Damon?" "Upstairs in his room. I'd proceed with caution." I laughed again. "Oh please, I haven't seen him in so long! Where is his room exactly?" "Up the stairs, second door to the left." I nodded again, speeding up to his room. I opened the door to see him in bed with a random blonde woman. I gasped, laughing slightly.

"Oh my god!" The woman said, covering up. "Who the hell are you?!" The shirtless Damon asked me, covering his bottom half. "Good to see you again, brother! Wow, what an introduction." I said excitedly. "Grace?" He asked, confused.  I nodded, laughing. "Oh my god, I'd hug you, but I'm completely naked. Can you give me a sec?" I laughed again. "Yea, I'll be downstairs." I walked down the steps seeing Stefan on the couch.

"Didn't care to tell me Damon was in bed with a girl?" I asked him, walking closer to the couch. "Shit, sorry, I forgot Caroline was here."

"Caroline? So he's moved on from Katherine?" Stefan smiled. "Oh, no way, he's still chasing her like a lost puppy." I rolled my eyes as I sat next to Stefan. "So who is Caroline?" I asked him. "His little play toy. He's been compelling her to feed and using her to get closer to Elena." I looked at him, confused. There are so many new people here. "Oh, who is Elena?"

"My girlfriend. Elena Gilbert. She'd love you." Stefan smiled at me. "I'm glad to be back, Stef." I said warmly. "I'm glad you're back, Gracie." "Yea, I stopped being called Gracie when I turned fifteen." I laughed. "Fair enough." Stefan and I laughed. 

"So when exactly were you turned?" He asked me. "I was turned by Charles, my boyfriend. When I was seventeen. His family were the ones I moved in with when I ran from father." Stefan looked at me. "They were vampires?" I nodded. "Charles and I fell in love, he turned me when we decided to be together eternally." Stefan looked at his glass, which had some alcohol in it. "Well, where is he?" I sighed. "He was killed by Kol Mikaelson in a fight between the two. Can I get a drink?" Stefan nodded, getting up to pour me a glass of bourbon as Damon walked down the steps, slipping a shirt on.

"Just got here and you're already drinking my bourbon?" Damon laughed. "Your bourbon? From what I remember, you're a great sharer." I told him sarcastically. I stood up to hug Damon. "I can't believe you're here. I gotta be honest, I thought you were dead." Damon said to me. "Can't die when you live eternally." I laughed. "So you were turned." I nodded in response. "I was just telling Stefan how I was turned at age seventeen by my boyfriend, Charles. I lived with him when I ran away." Damon looked at me. "Where is he?" Stefan butted in, saying, "Dead." Damon snorted. "Thanks Stef, way to steal my thunder." Stefan laughed. "Yea, he was killed by Kol Mikaelson." Damon nodded as I said that to him. I took a sip of the bourbon Stefan handed it to me. 

"Grace, what brings you back here?" I swallowed my sip, beginning to say, "After Charles died I travelled the world. I went to Greece, Brazil, Fiji, Bora Bora, all of that. I saw Lexi in New York and she told me you were both still alive in Mystic Falls, Virginia. Our home town." Damon poured himself a glass of bourbon. "Well, Damon wasn't always here. He left for a while, but came back." I nodded. Stefan finished his glass, saying, "I gotta head upstairs to shower." I nodded in agreement. "Can I use one of your bathrooms? I have to shower too." "Yea, you can use mine. After that, we can hit the grill?" Stefan nodded as Damon lead me to his bathroom. Caroline was asleep on his bed. I walked into the bathroom.

It was a nice bathroom. It had a nice tub and a beautiful walk-in shower. It was big, too. I showered quickly as Damon talked to Caroline. I walked downstairs, my wet hair dripping down my back, wrapped in only a towel. While walking to the bar, I ran into a girl. She happened to look exactly like Katherine. 

"Oh, who are you?" She asked me. "Uh, I'm Grace." She nodded. "I'm Elena." It all hit me. Stefan's girlfriend, Elena, looks exactly like Katherine. "I'll come back later," Elena said, walking out. I stormed upstairs to Stefan's room, which was at the top of the house. I picked up a picture of Katherine from 1864 that was sitting on his desk. I ran into his bathroom to see Stefan in pants, fixing his hair in the mirror. I held the picture up to him. 

"Are you out of your mind?"

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