Chapter Seven

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I fell asleep on the bed, fully unclothed, with Mrs. Carlton cleaning downstairs. Enzo was long gone, he left after I hurt him last night. I sat up, checking my phone. I had a couple of missed calls from Stefan. I called him back. "Hey, where were you last night?" Stefan asked, picking up. I ran my hands through my hair. "I was with someone, why what's up?" I could hear Stefan sigh through the phone. "You were with Enzo, weren't you?" "That's not important right now. Did Bonnie open the tomb?" I asked. "Yea, she did, with her grandma. Nearly took the life out of them both, though." I nodded, knowing he couldn't hear me. I tucked my phone in between my ear and my shoulder as I began getting dressed. "Did they get Katherine out?" Stefan sighed again. "She wasn't in there." I let out a sigh of relief as I put my pants on. "That's good, for us at least." "Yea, I guess she got out somehow. Annabelle, one of the vampires that wasn't in the tomb, got her mom out. Pearl? Do you know her?" I sighed, fully dressed at this point. "Yeah, I remember her. I don't like either of them, to be honest. How is Damon taking this?" Stefan laughed nervously. "Not good. Can you come over here and help me calm him down?" I laughed. "Yeah, I'll be over soon." "Okay, see you then." Stefan hung up the phone. 

I put my phone down, walking down the steps to find Mrs. Carlton cleaning the countertops. "Hey, Mrs. Carlton. Care if I grab a quick bite?" She smiled sweetly. "Not at all, hun." She held her wrist out to me. I smiled, baring my fangs and piercing her skin with them. I drank for a bit before hopping in my car, driving to the boarding house. 

I arrived, seeing Stefan on the couch with a drink in his hand, hearing crashing upstairs. "I'm assuming that's him," I said to Stefan. He looked over, nodding. I sighed. "I'll be back." I walked up the steps, opening the door to Damon's bedroom. It was a mess. Glass was all over the floor, pillows were torn, wood was broken. I sighed. "It looks like someone let an angry bull loose in here." Damon turned, looking at me. He sighed. "Grace, what are you doing here?" I frowned. "Just because we have been rocky the past couple of days doesn't mean I can't be here to help you. I'm still your sister, you know. You know how I feel about Katherine, so you should be surprised that I'm here helping you rather than celebrating." That got a smirk out of him. "How about we clean up, yeah?" I asked. Damon smiled, nodding. Damon and I cleaned up the room, getting it back in almost perfect shape, other than what was broken and couldn't be repaired. "Let's get a drink, then we can talk this through." I said to Damon. 

We walked down the steps, pouring ourselves glasses at the bar. Stefan was up in his room, so it was just my brother and I. We got our drinks, sitting on the couch. "Talk to me, Dam. I'm here for you. What are you feeling?" Damon laughed. "What are you, some therapist?" I smiled. "I just want to help you." Damon nodded, sipping his drink. "I'm just mad because I got everything ready for Katherine, and she wasn't even in there. She's out in the world somewhere, meaning she hasn't come back for me and probably never will." I placed a hand on his arm. Damon took a big gulp of his bourbon. "Maybe that's for the best. If she left you, it means she probably didn't love you. I don't want to kill your buzz, but I think it could be best to let her go." Damon nodded. "I don't want to let her go, Grace. I loved her more than I've ever loved anyone else. I leaned in, hugging him tightly. 

"I need to get home, but promise me you won't break anything else?" I said to him. Damon smirked. "I can't promise that." I laughed. "Come on, Damon, seriously. Don't break any more shit." He laughed with me. "Okay, okay I promise." I hugged him once more, placing my glass down and heading home. I got to my apartment, opening the door to see Enzo on the couch. I sighed, placing my phone down. "I let you in once and suddenly you never leave." Enzo turned to me. "I've already been invited in, why not stay?" I laughed, sitting next to him. He put his arm around me, pulling me in. No matter how much I felt like I didn't want to be with him, he comforted me more than anyone could. I haven't felt this safe around anyone since I was with Charles. We sat there for a bit, embracing the moment. "Okay, Grace, I need to have a serious chat with you." I sat up. "Oh no," I said. He chuckled. "It's nothing bad, don't worry. I just need to get something off my chest." I felt a bit flirty, so I decided to make fun of this. "Are you talking about your shirt?" I kissed his jawline, tugging at his shirt. Enzo shook his head. "Grace, this is serious." I pulled away, frowning. I propped my elbow up on the back of the couch, resting my head in my hand. "Okay, what's up?" Enzo shifted towards me. "Ever since seeing you, meeting you, spending nights with you, you know I haven't been able to take my eyes or mind off of you." I winced, afraid of what was coming. "Grace, I want to be with you. All of your beauty, your body, your mind, your beautiful face, I want to claim all of it as mine. I love you, Grace. I know it's too soon to say this, but I've never felt this strong towards anyone." I looked at him, shocked. I didn't expect this from anyone, especially not Enzo. I sighed, "Enzo, you know how I feel. I'm not sure what I want in life, or what I want right now. I think I need a bit of time just too process this, ya know?" I said. He stood up, fixing himself. "Yeah, your right. I'm sorry, love. I should've just let you take off my shirt. That probably would've gone a bit better. I'll go," Enzo walked towards the door. "Enzo, I-" I started my sentence only to realize Enzo had already left. 

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