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Warning, this is a Tom/Everyone fic. If you do not feel comfortable or dislike this please do not read this. Or at least until the ship pops up, this is an attempted Slow Burn. This is also my first fic ever posted online, so I please ask you to understand this might not be the best thing and I will make a lot of mistakes.

It had all started in Kindergarten. When Tom was introduced to Edd and his friends. Looking back, he should've noticed the signs. All the hand holding, small pats, and kisses, but kindergarten faded into Middle school. Middle school faded into Highschool and Toms first crush.
Now, first crush you might be asking? She was a small, dainty girl. Kind to everyone and always positive. When Toms friends figured out, they panicked. All of them had a crush on Tom and had decided to share him between each other. This led into one of them always distracting Tom whenever the girl came around.

This also led into Toms first rejection. That day, Tom let down his walls to the rest of his friends and cried in front of them. This event led all 4 of them into being closer friends and life went on. College came and went and Edd moved into a house his dead grandparents had given him. Matt eventually moved in and then Tord. Tom graduated, and then moved into the house with the three of them.

Time moved on and they went on many adventures and eventually Tord moved out with dreams to "make it in the big city". Years passed, many adventures occurring, until Tord suddenly returned, permanently. Tom was obviously not happy, but Edd and Matt welcomed him back, and he became permanent part of their life that moved on and led into the events of chapter 1.

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