Chapter 2

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Tom woke up to his own face. Without thinking, he bolt up and as a result bonks his head against the other Tom.

"Who the hell are you and why do you look exactly like me?!" Tom scrambles out of the bed and points a finger accusingly at the other Tom.

"Did Tord set you up to this? Oh god, I will make him pay." Tom stopped, turning to his look- alike.

"Tordy? He would never do anything like that! He's a gentleman." the look-alike exclaimed  with a smile that looked out of place on a face like Toms.

Tom looked around the room as the other him scrambled to his feel and grabbed his hands. "Mattie wants to talk to you! He said something about an 'Interrogation'. Tom pulled his hands from the other Toms hands and groaned. He was not looking forward to meeting the other versions of his friends. Grabbing for his flask, he realized it wasnt there.

"Wheres my flask?' He asked, brows furrowed. The other Tom looked back at him and puts his hands on his hips. "Alcohol is bad for you." He said as if he were scolding a child. Then, he proceeded to walk out of the familiar but oh so different room that was his own.

Tommy(Op day Tom) walked into the living room with Tom trailing behind. They walked into Tord being interrogated by Matt. Well, an Emo Matt. The Edd look-alike is the first to notice the two of them. Tommy skips over to Mattie and stands right beside him. "I got the other me!" He says happily, then he skips over to the other Tord. Matties face darkens again when he brings his attention to Tom.

"Sit down" a commanding voice echos.

Its sends shivers down Toms spine. He sits down and steals a glance to Tord. Both of them straighten when a hand slams down on the table. "Why did i find Booze and and Cigarettes on you?!"


"Really? Youre not focusing on the sudden appearence of alternate versions of your friends suddenly appearing from the mirror?" Tord asked, confused. He only received a glare in return.

"I could care less where you came from. My only concern is to protect these idiots and by extension that means you two to!" Mattie stands up, crossing his arms. He proceeds to walks around the table, berating them about the dangers of Alcohol and Smoking.

Tom starts to scoot away as Tord starts looking for his secret knife he had hidden on his body for self- defense if he had no guns with him. Then, Tommy comes bounding over grabbing Matties arm. At the same moment, Tord finds the knife and scoots closet to Tom. "Let's go" Tord says, sudden gripping Toms arm and the two of them bolt from the couch to the door.

Tord throws it open and the two of them run from the house, shouts heard from behind them.

They decide to hide in the nearest convenience store, hiding behind the snack isles. "What are we gonna to do now?" Tom hisses quietly. Tord ignores him in favor of looking around the store. Suddenly, ringing comes from Tords pocket.

"Thats right, our phones!" Tom exclaims, taking his phone out eagerly. He tries to turn it on but it doesnt seem to work. "Damn, must be dead" he sighs, putting it back in his pocket.

"Classic stupid Tom, forgeting to charge his phone~" Tord grins. "Shut it commie, what about your phone?" Tord turns on his phone to a white screen displaying text saying 'Universe: Opposite Day Au'.

"Opposite Day Au?" Tom says curiously.

"It seems we are in an alternate universe where everyone has the opposite personality." Tord ponders.

Tom sighs.



"Damn it!" Mattie growls angrily.  He and Tommy
had been looking for the two of them because he didn't trust the two piles of anxiety that were Eddie and Tordy to catch either of them. He finally gives up and walks back the way he came and notices Tordy and Tommy. "What are you doing here Tord. Wheres Edd as well?" He questions.

"I figured you could handle it and I found Tordy sulking outside the house so I took him to get some snacks!" Tommy say cheerily. Mattie thought through it and nods. "Alright, lets go home then. If they want home they'll have to get through me first."

Tordy glances at him nervously while Tommy just blinks in confusion.


"Right now, the mirror is our only chance out of this place. How do we get to it without them noticing?" Tom asked, him and Tord now standing outside of the Convenience store, next to the bicycle racks. Tord ignores him, continuing to pace back and forth. After 6 times of being ignored in a row he stomps over to Tord grabbing his arm.

"Commie fuck" Tom growls, snapping Tord out of his trance.

"What?!" Tord snaps at Tom.

A few of the passerby's look at them, but quickly stop when they see the glares from the pair.

"I asked a question asshole." Tom says with a scowl on his face.

"I've been trying to think of a way pass them to the mirror, if you don't mind smartass." Tord responds with a similar scowl.

Tom grimaces and lets his arm that was holding Tords fall to his side as he straightens up.


All he gets is a glare in return, Tom ignores it of course, choosing to take Tords phone from his pocket. He checks it. They had tried to text Matt and Edd earlier but it hadn't worked. When he sees that it hadn't changed at all, he gives it back Tord.

"I'm thinking we can make a distraction and draw them away from the house" Tord states simply.

"How are we gonna do that?" Tom asks raising an eyebrow.

An evil smile spreads across his face.

"The neighbors."

A/N : I'm so sorry I've been away for so long but I finally found the motivation to write again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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