Rebecca didn't realize she'd dozed off again until a sunbeam shining in her face woke her. After a few minutes of gradually resurfacing to consciousness, she decided to try and do something about the situation with Sam. She might not know how to fix it, but she at least needed to try and stem the bleeding.

Hauling herself upright, she picked up the water bottle from next to the couch, drained the last few swigs and stuffed it into her pack. Shouldering that and the pillow someone had propped her up on the day before, she set off to look for her.

Landry had somehow procured a hammock and gotten someone to string it up on the porch for him. He waved from his gently swaying repose as she opened the door, and she laughed at him. "Enjoying the easy life, soldier?"

"Hey, doctor's orders, if we had one. It's actually more comfortable than laying down on something solid."

She shook her head and started down the stairs, keeping an eye on her feet as she replied. "Let me know if you find one of those, huh?"

"You know it, sister. I'll put you on the waiting list."

Rebecca glanced back at him with a smirk and waved over her shoulder as he gave her the same jovial salute as the other day in the car — the other day, before things turned sucky.

She found Sam in the barn, playing checkers with Jake. Sam rose hurriedly when she saw her, stumbling over the bench in her haste, then wove through the light crowd to her side.

"Hey, easy Rosie, watch yourself there." Rebecca still couldn't pull her cheek muscles taut without discomfort, so she tried to convey some lightheartedness with a wink.

"It's good to see you up and around." Rebecca noticed Sam had stopped a few feet away from her.

Damn, she was picking up on things. Not that it was surprising, as perceptive as she'd been in the past. Rebecca steeled herself and stepped closer, kissing Sam on the cheek. "Hey, good looking."

Rebecca could swear Sam teared up a little at that, but she kept it out of her voice. Mostly. "Hi you."

"I hear there might be a vacancy down here? Maybe someone wants a slightly lumpy couch in a building with a real door and can let me pilfer their cot?"

Sam grinned. "I'm sure we can work something out." She reached for Rebecca's pack, carrying it over to her bedroll and dragging another — already empty — cot over from the corner while Rebecca made her way over at a slower pace. "I'll get your sleeping bag out of the car before it gets dark."

"Thank you." Rebecca set her appropriated pillow down the repositioned cot. "Hey, do you think I could borrow your notepad for a while, maybe hang out while you finish your game with Jack? Don't wanna leave the lil' guy hanging."

"Of course." The vibe Sam was giving off felt... almost desperate to Rebecca, eager to please, as she watched Sam drag her own day bag out from under her cot and dig out a leather-wrapped notebook and a pen. "I figured you'd want something to write with too," she said, with just a hint of her old gentle teasing tone.

"Always looking after me." Rebecca reached out to take the writing implements as Sam offered them, but had to suppress a flash of anger with herself when she felt an uneasy jolt when their fingers brushed. She hoped Sam didn't sense either, and tried to change the subject for both of them. "Glad to see Jack is doing alright. It might be fun to introduce him to Nate someday."

Sam started to lead her back to the table. "Yeah, you're probably right." But, then she stopped and faced Rebecca, lowering her voice. "Listen... I know things are weird right now, and I can tell you're making an effort. It really means a lot."

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