Chapter 1

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When ever teachers ask me questions like, what were you doing on the weekend and how were your holidays. I like to respond with a simple look of disgust. Its none of their business what I was doing in my spare time.

Everyone else in the class would respond with the boring, usual thing. I was working, or I was out watching a movie with my boyfriend. Agh I'm sick of hearing these sickening stories. I grab my headphones out of my pocket and plug them into my phone. The headphones were yet again tangled in a knot. I untangled them and put them under my shirt and pulled them through the top of my shirt and plugged them into my ears. These headphones are the new iPhone 5 ones, they're amazing!

I chose to listen to sex on the raidio by good Charlotte. I love this band. If you haven't noticed I'm not your average teen girl, I hate gossip, I don't have many friends and I play Xbox a lot! Oh I also love sport. My best friend is Lucy, she is really sporty and is terrible at playing Xbox. I don't even know how we are friends.

It is the first term of the year, I'm in year 10 and I'm already sick of it. Lucy has moved to a private school because her parents thought I was a bad influence on her, but they say "its just for a better education" pft like that's not the most commonly used lie when a kid gets sent to a different school.

Now I have no friends at this time wasting place. To begin the day we have an assembly we have to sit with our home class from the previous year, my teachers name is Mr Baker, he is a good teacher but I don't think he's all there. If you know what I mean.. I sat next to the class gamer Josh, he wasn't annoying or anything, he just didn't have any friends in this year level.

When I sat down he looked cautiously at me through the corner of his eye and then caught me looking at him so he amidiatly looked away. I sat on the gym floor with my legs crossed when my phone vibrated in my pocket. Josh must of heard because I saw him jump and look around, it was a message from Lucy. 'How's the welcome back assembly crap going?' I smiled at this then responded with, 'It hasn't even started yet aghh! I wish you were here, it wouldn't be soooo boring!!' I went to grab my headphones out of my pocket when I accidentally hit the guy who just sat down next to me, 'I'm so sor...' When I saw who it was I finished my sentence off with, 'sorry for hitting your jerk arse' He just winked at me and said in a suductive voice, 'don't try to hide it babe, you enjoyed every millisecond of it'

Wow could this morning get any worse? 'Miss Joanna Jacobs, I have warned you enough. Do not use your mobile in assembly! Hand it to me, you can have it back at the end of the day!' Called Mr David through the microphone. Agh of course, just to make my day absolutely perfect no phone means no music, which means I have to listen to everyone's holiday stories. Yay... Not.

The assembly was finally over, I was finally allowed to leave l, well after I grab my time table from Mr Baker. As I tried to make my way to get my timetable, the annoying guy that decided to sit next to me. Not Josh the other guy, his name is Dylan yeah well he slid a piece of paper into my hand as he walked passed me. I didn't even look at it, in fact I placed it in my pocket. Once I grabbed my timetable I waited by the side of the gym until it wasnt as crowded. While I waited I found out my first class is Chemistry with Mrs Simmons, I had her last year and she is a great teacher.

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