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male reader- hades and persephone (not the webtoon)

HELLENOPHILIA≈ the love of things greek


the world in front of the boy stopped abruptly. one minute he was asleep with his cat, the next sat in a boat crossing a weeping river. occasionally a ghostly hand would reach for the side of the ferry, only to be dragged back down by other translucent arms. m/n didn't even believe in a single god, let alone multiple.

once across the wailing river the farrier guided the male off the boat before leaving him to find his way around. the entire landscape was hellish. cracks and crevices spewing boiling water. you had to be careful or you'd unintentionally walk off into a ravine that suddenly formed in front of you.

with little knowledge of his environment, m/n made his way through the firey depths of what he imagined hell would definitely look like, that's if it was even real.

after what felt like hours of dodging scary looking creatures and barely stumbling away from sudden cliffs, he made it. a huge gate stood before him. right when he reached forwards to the lock, the incredibly loud sound of growls sounded to his right. he feared the sound but looked to it anyway. damn he regretted it. there stood an eerily large three headed dog. the only description he could give would be petrifying. he really did want to run, but his body wouldn't let him. it's like he lost control of his body, his own consciousness sunk to the very back of his mind, he couldn't do anything about it. without control of anything he sat in the darkness of the back of his mind.

when he finally came back to the forefront of his mind he was in an unfamiliar place. now with the ability to see and observe, he peered around what looked like a huge throne room. it was dark and gloomy in color but had flowered vines growing on some of the walls. [name] appeared to be changed to something so he strained his neck to turn around. he found a tree trunk, so looking up was his next idea.

it was a cherry blossom tree. growing in what seemed to be the middle of the massive room. someone cleared their throat to his right, making him take his eyes away from observing his luxurious surroundings.

the stranger standing next to him was definitely a shocking sight. he was tall, and had his hair up in a pony tail.
(i always think of hades being japanese with a kimono and long hair.)

he had what resembled a simple princess crown. it was a chain looking piece that went around his head, with a chain that hung down the center of his forehead. at the end of the chain sat a dark colored crystal. the chain continued out of the bottom of the crystal to the bridge of his nose, displaying a slightly smaller and lighter colored glass like gem.

although he gave of an ominous aura, everything about his was very delicate. he moved gently. with every move he made closer the less nervous [name] got. almost like calming people was his job.

a realization hit [name] when he finally identified the male now crouched a foot away. the only hint at who the mysterious man was had been a bracelet that could now be see because of the outstretched hand too close to his face for liking. with the kimono sleeve coming up a bit, a bracelet made of flowers came to view. [name] had read about the everlasting bracelet gifted to hades by persephone. it was a symbol of undying love, commonly used in the human realm in about any culture nowadays. it was a little ironic, hades was in charge of assigning punishment after death, undying wasn't really something he experienced.

with [name] now being focused on the hand, he noticed it reach towards his face, only to drop. hades got up from his crouched position to walk around the tree. [name] just assumed it was to leave him alone again, so his head dropped in disappointment, only to jerk back up when feeling the pressure of the chains release. the restraints went slack and settled at his waist, allowing his to try and stand. he had been sitting like that longer than healthy, so as soon he stood, he dropped. sore legs weren't fun the walk on leaving him with the only choice he had.

either get up and walk it off or stay there and let it get worse.

his internal debate got cut short when a stunning lady rushed to his side to help him. i guess he's walking it off. she helped him walk through a hallway, giving him ample time to get a good look at her. she was a good deal taller than the male earlier with short cut ginger hair. to put it simply, she was the total opposite of hades. this must be persephone.

her crown was a bit more grand in style, and very beautiful at that. she dressed more like a human, with a leather jacket over a pantsuit. tattooed vines and flowers came from under her sleeve and weaved through her fingers. they were realistic and very cool looking to [name], who had a few tattoos himself. he only stopped marveling at the sight of the gorgeous woman when they themselves stopped.

[name] had started walking easier by himself, so persephone let go of him. he missed the touch but didn't object, still quite confused of his purpose of coming here. he simply wondered around to nowhere in particular. he went in the direction that felt right and ended up here, a ginormous castle filled with mystery and wonder. the interior of the hallway the two walked through had vines crawling up the walls, blooming beautiful flowers he could only dream of ever seeing in his human life.

the door they were stopped at a door that was made of glass, but completely covered in vines adorned with pointed thorns and an assortment of colored roses.

persephone, with little fear of getting pricked, reached to push the door open. she successfully got it open without hurting herself. the door opened wide, revealing an alluring garden growing a variety of plants, each unique. persephone kept her place just inside the doorway to let [name] explore with regular human curiosity. he was so naive and clueless to the world he had been sentenced to. atheists were free pick, and hades and persephone chose him to come here. why? who knows. but, why not?

when [name] came across a tree, very similar to the one he was chained to earlier, he decided to climb it. getting to the highest branch humanly possible was easy, having picked up the skill from always climbing a willow in his back yard. the memory haunted him, dying young was never easy, and not knowing why makes it worse.

somehow, he couldn't bring himself to hate this place. every part of him was working to find something to make him want to leave, but he just couldn't. persephone made her way the base of the tree to sit just below the branch the boy sat upon. his doe eyes were scanning the garden from the vantage point he had, enjoying the amazing view he had.

"we should get you some clothes and settled in, Doll" she spoke, peering up to him.

he noticed what she said, giving a timid nod.

he carefully got himself down from the branch, dropping when he got to a slower beach of the tree. the goddess gently grabbed his hand and led him back through the hallway and up a grand flight of stairs. they walked down another long hallway. they came to a halt in front of a door, and persephone kept outside to give the boy some privacy. [name] took is time but reminded himself that a goddess was waiting for him right outside the door.

he came back out wearing clean clothes. they looked expensive, something he would have never worn when human. both of them made their way through the hallway, giving [name] some time to prepare for meeting hades himself. an awesome god with a bad reputation.

(1384 words)
the longest i've written in this book-

i'm quite proud this though.

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