Domestic life could just be the one.

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Midas had recently been injured badly enough for him to have to take a few weeks off to recover, he had been shot in the stomach the bullet going right through barely missing his spine in the process, now he was stuck on bed rest forced to stay in the confinement of his and Y/N's rather spacious bed.

But things hadn't been all that to loney, Y/N had to go to work leaving Midas alone with none other than their daughter Annie, now Midas classes himself as high and mighty

But here he was, Midas the all-powerful director of Ghost and "Enforcer" of the Agency laying in bed with a small 4yr old sitting on his lap doing his "make-up" while he sat there not in physical pain but in mental pain, sure he would enforce rules but when it came to his little girl he couldn't no matter how hard he tried he could never bring himself to tell her no.

"Your face is all wrinkly daddy, your getting old!" Annie exclaimed looking at her father not hearing her mother enter the room just back home from work, Midas's face was a bright red colour.

"Now now Annie, your father is only 28 that is NOT old, calling dad old is like calling me old because im one year older than your father" Y/N said seeing the fear in her daughter's brown eyes as she turned around to see her mother standing in the doorway.

Midas just let out a raspy chuckle as he saw Annie get all scared of her mother. Y/N walked over to the side of the bed picking Annie up and putting her down on the floor "go play with your toys Annie, your father needs rest" Y/N said watching the small girl run out the room to travel to her own room.

Midas closed his eyes for a second letting out aa small whimper as he felt Y/N's hand travel to the wound as she sat down on the side of the bed "did you take painkillers after I left?" Y/N asked moving Midas's extremely messed up hair out of his face.

Midas nodded with a smile grabbing Y/N's hand away from his head "stop messing with my hair" he muttered running a hand down his face smearing the makeup all over his face. Y/N let out a loud breathy laugh grabbing some makeup remover from the side table and starting to take the makeup off her husbands face.

Midas closed his eyes moving his head back from the sudden makeup removing experience "dont laugh at me im pretty" he said with a smirk opening his eyes as Y/N finished taking the makeup off of his face moving to wipe his hand down looking at her Spouses now clean face with a bright smile "you know you are much prettier without make-up" Y/N teased cupping Midas's cheek with a small smile.

Midas's face went bright red as he quickly turned to the side "shhh" he mumbled in embarrassment as he moved to hide his face in the pillows. Hearing Y/N let out some soft giggles.

Midas sat up with a yawn shifting over too lay his head on Y/N's chest hugging the woman tightly "M' hurt dont bully me" he said playing with Y/N shirt.

"I know baby I know," Y/N said laying her chin on Midas's head, hugging the man back rubbing up and down his back gently kissing his head.

Annie had stalked back into her parent's room clambering up into bed and inviting herself into the now family hug, Midas smiled grabbing the girl and bringing her in, Midas may not act it but he really was the family softie.

He loved his family with all his heart, no matter what happened he would keep them safe no questions ask, it doesn't matter who he has to kill or what he has to do, he'd do it in a heartbeat.

Y/N let out a small huff, cupping Midas's cheeks making the man look up at her. She was about to kiss him but instead just kissed his cheek and then moved to get up and out of bed "im gonna go start dinner, do you coming to sit at the table?" Y/N asked looking at Midas.

"Yeah, ill need a hand tho" the man mumbled back with a nod. Y/N smiled as she watched Annie run out of her Dad's arms sprinting into the kitchen.

Y/N smiled grabbing Midas's hands and throwing one of his arms over her shoulder before grabbing his waist and pulling him up.

"What's for dinner?" Midas asked as he held onto Y/N tightly to keep his balance.

"Well for you not much, you're still on soft foods and liquids so dont push your luck goldie," Y/N said a bright smile on her face as she giggled.

Maybe domestic life could just be the one.

(836 wordcounts)

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