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Jasmine's mother (Liana)

"Morning mom." I greeted her.


I made myself a cup of coffee and sat on the chairs next to our blue marble counter. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Instagram.

All my life it has always been my mom and I, ever since my older brother,Henrick. I never met my dad, because he didn't want me and I don't really care. My mom has been a single mother for 21 years, well my entire life.She's kind strict, but she cares.

"Jasmine!" my mom said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Did you hear me?"

I shook my head. She sighed and smiled and smiled at me.

"I said that Prince Liam just got married to Princess Evangeline." She squealed. My mom can be a total girly girl.

I rolled my eyes and smiled at her.

I took my cup and washed it. I went to my room and grabbed clean clothes and undergarments. I went to the bathroom and stepped into the shower.

I washed myself and hair and got out I wrapped a green towel to dry myself. I wore red lace bra and panties. I wore my outfit which is a, black crop top and a red skirt that ended mid thigh, with black ankle boot heels.

 I wore my outfit which is a, black crop top and a red skirt that ended mid thigh, with black ankle boot heels

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I brushed my straight brown hair, that I dyed blonde, but the dark roots show. I grabbed my purse and went to the lounge, where my mother is watching the real housewives of New York.

"I'm going out don't wait up." I said grabbing my car keys. I went to the garage, where my white Mazda Cx5. I got in and drove to HQ.

HQ is where the top notch Assassins' headquarters. It looks like an ordinary fancy, expensive hotel, but inside is different.

I got out of my car and handed the keys to a guy named Timothy. I walked in and went into the private elevator. Once I got in I placed my palm on the fingerprint scan. I looked at the camera, which obviously took my facial scan.

The metal doors finally opened revealing the white office look. A big screen was on the wall, showing my face as I walked to my teams room.

Once you become a HQ agent you get sent into a group. It's mainly of three or four people in one team. Age doesn't matter, what matters is your level.

I'm a level 5, which is the highest and most dangerous level. Only a few are level 5's. I walked inside the room, where my best friend Ethan is. He has his headphones on and is shaking his head to whatever rhythm is playing.

An idea came on my head. I stealthily walked towards him. I removed one headphone from his ear and screamed, "Boo!"

He let out a girlish scream. I burst out laughing. To the point where I'm on the floor, clutching my stomach and tears streamed down my face.

After I calm down I look at Ethan's angry face.

"Why did you do that?" he asked well more like whined.

"Because you looked peaceful and I wanted to ruin that for you." I smiled sweetly at him.

"How's Blondie?" I ask him as I start to put my weapons in a bag.

"OK I guess. She really is not happy about the new girl in her school. She says the girl wants her boyfriend." Ethan explained.

"Isn't it ex boyfriend?" I asked him.

"Its somehow on and off. She forgave him for cheating on her, with his childhood best friend, Kaesey." 

I know right now that your so confused. Blondie is a girl named Dana. Ethan has had a crush on her ever since he started being her tutor. Late last year. High schoolers and they're dramatic lives.

Also she's blonde.

"Are you ready for your mission?" He asked me.

I smirked, "Momma is about to meet some hottie princes. I was born ready.

" That's my girl. Now go." 

And right now you're also confuse like what am I talking about. 

Let me get to it.

1 week ago

"You have a request mission, Jas." He said as I got in the car.

"When and where?" I asked him.

"By the old abandoned church by the valley. In a few minutes." I nodded. His eyes never left the screen of his I-pad.

I drove to the address. The church was abandoned after an accident, well a fire. I heard that people died in there. It's not in a bad shape, but it's not good either.

I went into it, leaving Ethan in the car, something about the ghosts of the people that died in the fire ae going to haunt you. It's a church the only thing you should be scared of is God.

I used to go to church when I was younger, mom stopped going, which meant that I stopped.

The guy said that he would wait for me at the pulpit. A short man was waiting for me, he wore a black suit. He had grey hair, styled back. His  dark brown eyes almost black stared at me in shock and masked it well.

Aren't you a little too formal?

"Annabelle?" he asked.

I nodded. I crossed my arms and smirked.

"I need you to kill the future king of Bulgaria, Prince Liam Bolivar."

Hope you loved the prologue. Still need editing but other than that, I think its OK.




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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