Chapter 1: Double Kick

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I wake up everyday 30 mins before the alarm goes off, mainly to fantasize about a life without early conversations with a boss that thinks he's better than every other person in the building. Yeah... not fun.

After i manage to drag my body out of bed, i put on whatever pops first in my closet, tie my wild locks in a messy little bun and off to hell i go. To be honest, when i woke up that morning, i didn't think that day would be any different, but when i got a text from my boss telling me that he needs to see me before our usual weekly meeting, i admit i felt a little noose in my stomach.

i walk into the office and a wave of cold sweat hits me, i shake it off telling myself: "Come on Mia, you're a bad ass bitch ". Fake it until you make it right?

I put my bag on my desk, that faces my boss Henry's glass office, and look around to catch a hint of his back moving between the window and the sofa. 

"Alright Girl, here we go. Chin up, back straight, one foot in front of the other" And i march into battle. A small knock after another and then a louder one before he turns around, and signals me to go in over his shoulder. I take a deep breath and confidently walk in.

"Goog morning sir, you wanted to have a word with me?" I say in a normal ton.

"Mia, how many months have you been working with us?' he blurts out and catches me off guard.

"18 months....sir" I say with questioning eyes.

"During these 18 months, did your manager Sally teach you about boundaries and every person's limits inside this campany?" He doesn't look as composed as before.

"I don't understand your point sir, is there a problem?" 

"The problem is that you cannot take no for an answer, Mia. When Sally tells you to back off and stop harassing the clients with your pitches, it means you need to back off, it isn't your job, you're an executive and you're not going to cost us our clients. Peterson from W&C called to complain about how you wouldn't stop calling him about your stupid viral game idea"

"But sir, there was a chance of..."

He cuts me off with a hand wave and finishes what he was saying.

"From now on, whatever Sally says, it goes. I don't want you calling clients, i don't want you in pitch meetings, heck i don't even want to hear your opinion about anything. You do your job and you leave. As simple as that. Is it clear?" 

He looks me dead in the eyes expecting a quick and short answer, i knew it was a dead cause so i went along with it....

"Yes... Sir. It won't happen again" i keep my voice steady.

He nods and dismisses me with a wave: "Now, go and tell Susan i'm still waiting for my coffee"

I turn around and head for the door, suddenly it felt like it was going to take forever to get back to my desk. I mouth to Susan from accross the office "C O F F E E" and she quickly gets up and sprints towards the kitchen.

I sit down and immediatly think "This is it, i'm not spending one more day in here". There was nothing more i can do in here to grow, it was time for me to go. Henry and his dear Sally can go to hell. Never knew the true power of blow jobs until now...Good for you Sally, i guess? 

My phone vibrates and i notice a text from Adam "Need to tell you something, it's urgent". Oh what now.... Can't i catch a break? I was about to answer when another text pops up "I'm sorry Mia but we need to end this. It can't go on any longer, i still love you but i think we need a break from each other. You've been very distant lately and i feel like i can't get to you anymore. Please, don't be mad at me. Love you."

I  scoff not able to believe what my eyes just read, how could he break up with me over a fucking text after 2 years of being together. How dare he after all i've done for him, all the sacrifices, leaving my hometown to come and live with him in New York, leaving my cat behind because of his allergy, CUTTING CARBS BECAUSE HE THOUGHT MY THIGHS WERE GETTING A LITTLE CHUBBIER. THE NERVES THE BALLS! I stand up abruptly and throw my chair back by accident. The entire office looks at me including Henry through his glass walls, i could read his face and it said "Trouble already?". That was it, i needed air. Without thinking, i grab my bag and leave. 

Sitting on a bench in a nearby park, i couldn' help but think about how my life took a turn. I can't stand my job anymore, i'm going to quit, my boyfriend left me, i'm not going to be able to afford the rent here  alone...i start to hyperventilate and try to steady my breathing, that's when my phone rang and i think "Please God, no more problems", i look at the screen and i sigh in relief. It's Katty, my 12 years friend, the mental one that bites ice cream and drinks pipping hot tea....

"Hey Giiirl! Susan just called me and told me you left the office looking as pale as a ghost, what's up? Did Henry say something again? Isn't Sally supposed to suck his dick so he can shut his mouth a little?"

Without thinking i blurt out "I'm quitting my job and Adam broke up with me.... over a text"

After a while i thought she hang up on me, i was about to put my phone down when she yells in one breath: "I know the right place to go tonight, me and you baby are going to party hard and before you whine about how you'd rather stay home, watch Pride & Prejudice and cry, let me just tell you that i won't let that happen. You're coming with me and that's final. You're not going to spend your night willowing in self pity, okay?"

"Jesus Katty, don't forget to breathe! Fine whatever, i'll go, i don't care anymore, i'm done feeling sorry for myself, i'm done with assholes, let's go to that fucking party of yours. Oh and bring me the shortest dress you own" i say with a grin.

Tonight, I'm not thinking about my pathetic job, my boring routine and most importantly, Adam. Tonight, I'm going wild.

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