Meeting the Class

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Current Area: UA, Class 1-A homeroom
Time: 9:00 AM

Alright now the class was even more worried, because it had been a full hour since homeroom was supposed to start, but then the door opened to reveal Aizawa.

"Ah Sensei, thank goodness your arrived, the class was started to get worried, myself included" said Iida

A chorus of agreement rang through class

"Im sorry for being late, but I was called into a meeting involving you all." Explained Aizawa

Now everyone's interest was peaked.

"You all will be getting two more classmates" Told Aizawa

Alright now everyone's interest was motherfucking ecstatic, even Bakugou and Todoroki were listening closely.

"As you may or may not now, UA is always thinking of ways to look it's best, whether it is holding exhibits or students doing plays, if they are able to raise the public opinion of them, they will do it." Explained Aizawa. "And now Nezu had thought of a way that will either be terrible or great for the school"

Aizawa pauses for second, thinking of the best way to explain this to the students.

"....He has decided to test run and rehab course for criminals"

After Aizawa said that, the class went crazy, it lasted for a little before Aizawa quieted then down.

"But sir, does this mean some criminal is going to join or class?" Asked Uraraka fearfully

"Well not just one, two actually. The Vigilante Phase and the Mercenary Killjoy" Explained Aizawa

Holy Shit the class went even crazier after that was said. Many asking "why us" and "why not a general studies class"

"Nezu thought it would wise to try and make two young criminals into heroes" Told Aizawa quieting them down "I don't entirely agree, but I took them down myself and I have seen what they are capable of. Now I'm going to bring them in."

Someone just yells out, "Wait they are HERE!!"

"Yes" Aizawa answered

Aizawa opens the door and ushers in two people. One, black haired, purple eyed, smaller boy, and the other was a brunette, green eyed, muscular boy. The smaller boy had a large smile on his face and eyes that looked happy and hopeful. He was Phase. While the muscular boy looked angry and upset at the fact that he was here and had to deal with these people. He was Killjoy

Many of the students were actually speechless. These two people were criminals and they were joining their class. Many were scared of Killjoy, while others actually seemed to want to become friends with Phase.

"Hi! I'm Saito Masaaki, please call me Saito. I also wanted to be in UA, so this is kinda fulfilling a dream of mine." Saito said with the most kind, heart warming smile.

Aizawa motioned for Killjoy to go next
"Fuck you al-" Killjoy was interrupted by Aizawa glaring deeply at him and telling him say his real name. "*Sigh* I'm Mason Lepoint and I don't want to fucking be here." Said Mason without any kind of charm that Saito had. These two were basically exact opposite.

"Alright I know you are all confused so I will let you all ask them questions, while I sleep" Aizawa said as got into his sleeping and and promptly passed out on the floor.

The teens all started asking questions rapid fire and Saito tried his best to answer them all, while Mason just let them go on and on and didn't answer any of them.

"EVERYONE BE CIVIL" Scolded Iida. "We will let Masa-""Saito" interrupted Saito.

"-Saito, and Repoint here call on people and then they will answer"

"I'll go first" said Saito. He pointed at a yellow-haired boy with a black streak in it. "You" he chose

"Sup, I'm Kaminari, where you guys from?" Asked Kaminari

Everyone was surprised he didn't ask something stupid.

"Oh, I'm from Hosu!" Answer Saito cheerfully

"....America." Spoke Mason

The class was now very curious, why would a mercenary leave America to go to Japan?

"Why did you leave" Asked Yaoyorozu

Mason stayed silent for a few seconds, like he was choosing his words carefully.

"...*sigh* I guess I'll just say, the bounty on my head got too high after a Mafia boss, that I failed to kill, raised it."

Everyone, even Aizawa, who had woken up just in time to hear that line, was surprised at this development.

They just got two criminals in as class mates, and now they find out that one of them has killed someone or tried to kill someone.

"Oh, don't look so surprised" Growled Mason "I'm a mercenary, we kill. It's what we do. It's basically the definition of a mercenary."

"Ribbit, why would you try to kill someone though?" Asked Tsuyu

"Money, and I know what your gonna ask next, why would I need money or some bullshit about you shouldn't kill someone, am I right?"

The class nodded

"Well I don't care, I've lost the fear of killing someone a long time ago, the fact that they put me in a school is a stupid move on your principals part. But I'm stuck here, and I have to deal with you shits for my time here so whatever" Mason spits as he walk over to one of the two seats that was put out for the two of them. "Asks the remainder of your questions to Mr. Phase or whatever stupid name he came up for himself"

The class remained silent for a few minutes. But Saito broke it.

"So.... does anyone have any more questi-"

He's interrupted by the sound of a light being trying to be lit. Everyone looks over to Mason to see that he is currently trying to lit a cigarette.

Aizawa sees this as an opportunity to announce he has woken up and try and stop him.

"Kid, you can't smoke in here, not only that, you aren't allowed to smoke in general, you're like 16." Instructed Aizawa

Mason grumbled but complies and puts away his cigarette and lighter.

The Bell decided to ring at this time, and everyone is off to their next class. Saito joins with a group and starts a conversation with many of the kids, while Mason just stays at the end of the group of kids while they walk to their next class

'This is gonna become my personal hell' thought Mason

The Vigilante and The MercenaryWhere stories live. Discover now