Recently, there has been a mass amount of – PK is what we MMORPG Players call <Player Kills> – I’ve heard many rumours about Iliphia Eretique, is what everyone called the mysterious maiden. With Fantasia’s dead body system, after the player is killed they have over 7 days before their body would shatter, this gives the game a realistic detective-like mystery, and however this doesn’t occur during a boss fight or a quest event.
You can’t kill anyone in a town or city, unless you engage in – <PvP> Player verse Player, the normal Fantasia system is <PvE> Player verse Environment where you engage in combat against monsters – however Iliphia Eretique has to be a skilled player to hack the games systems and murder people in the town. Whoever Iliphia Eretique is, she always leaves behind a black rose stained in blood, and this was the only clue for everyone who is searching for her. The bounty for her head has gone over 58 billion … .
I approach the alleyway seeing a person who could be Iliphia Eretique, she pins down the Demon class character to the wall. I watch as she almost kills the Demon, as I stop her blade, she leaps into the air and begins to flee. I chase quickly as I teleport beside her, swinging my scythe at her. She pulls out two daggers slowing down my attack; lunging back she runs the other way.
I teleport in front of her, as she tries to flee the other way, my orb shocks her. She stops moving as I swing my scythe next to her neck, stopping her from moving.
“Are you Iliphia Eretique?”I ask keeping her still.
“Why do you ask?” She continues to try and get out of my grip.
“I am Orekei, Phantom, Level 148, also known as the White Phantom.”
“You’re him…”
She swings her arm around trying to hit me, I grab her arm. I cast – <Void Freeze> as spell that takes us into the <Void>, a different world with no way of escape, other than knocking out the user or the user stops casting – a portal appears underneath me and Iliphia Eretique as we slowly fall into the portal, I release her into this dark world.
“Let’s just talk.” I say as I pull out a chair out of thin air and sit down.
“Why?” As she says this, I teleport behind her and guide her to sit down.
“You’ve killed over 500 people, in game and in real life. You killed many innocence lives, why are you doing it?” I walk to my chair and sit down, watching her reaction to my words.
“Well it’s fun, care to join me?”
“Why would I?”
“You’re the White Phantom; many people hate you for letting Daiki die.”
“So you were there.”
“Maybe I was, or was I?”
I see her in a different personality, she could have a multiple personality disorder, and this is interesting. She was sweeter than before, however I couldn’t let my guard down.
“I might as well let you go, you may be a <Red Player> but – <Red Player> in MMORPGs, when I player has killed people outside of the normal PvP, they are considered a <Yellow Player>, however this can go away. If they continue to kill they can become a <Orange Player> where they won’t be able to go back to being a <Green Player> what everyone starts as. This also applies to guilds, if they have 50% or more <Yellow Players> they become a <Yellow Guild> this continues on and on until, the guild reverts to Green, or becomes Red – I was once a <Yellow Player> thanks to killing Daiki.”
“I’ll see you again sometime.”
I decast my spell, and Iliphia Eretique walked away. I watched her leave, I understand that not arresting her was wrong, how she isn’t doing it out of her will, it may be her other self, but which is true?

Fantasia Vol. 1
FantasyDiscontinued might return later... This story is a Sword Art Online/Log Horizon story adaption. After a long time, they finally perfected an alternate reality inside database, allowing an evolution in technology. A boy goes into another world, to di...