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When Mabel woke up in the morning, she felt like something awful has happened over night. Which isn't surprising..since Bill took over. Bill...that cursed demon who took away Dipper due to that stupid deal that Ford made with him. Sure it saved the town...but what good is the town if the people living outside it are facing henchmanics and other creatures that Bill has at his disposal. Just thinking about the lives lost made Mabel angry especially since she couldn't do anything to save them. Plus..who knows what would happen to her once she steps out of Gravity  Falls.

Sighing..she quickly got ready for the day and slowly went downstairs to eat breakfast. When suddenly...A bright light flashed in the middle of the dining area and there stood Bill.

"What are you doing here?" Mabel yelled.

"What's wrong? Can't I visit some old friends..." Bill Said with a mocking tone in his voice.

"You made a wrong move can't use your powers in here." Ford said as he pointed his weapon at Bill before he snapped his fingers and transformed it until a snake. 

"I believe I can. Besides I have great news to share with you." Bill Said.

"What is it? Are you letting the rest of the world free also?" Wendy said with a sarcastic tone.

"Nope. I'm finally a couple steps ahead of making Pinetree mine...permanently." He said which caused Mabel to ball her hands into fists. Her brother...was being used as Bill's puppet and he had the nerve to tell them that he was slowly being manipulated to marry this monster. 

"Why? Why would you do this to Dipper?" Mabel asked.

"Because he's the shining star of all of you Pines. And without him...You can't vanish me back to the Nightmare Realm. Now if you excuse me...I have to feed Pinetree some breakfast." Bill Said before he disappeared leaving behind the devastated people in Gravity Falls. When suddenly...Stan punched Ford.

"Stanley...Why did you punch me?" Ford asked.

"I punched you because this is all your fault. Sure the town is safe, but you left Dipper with that blasted demon." Stan Said.

"How was I supposed to know that he would taunt us?" Ford asked.

"Let me see...He always taunts us whenever he has the upper hand. Besides who knows what will happen when he married my grandnephew." Stan Said. 

"Can you two stop it...We already have enough on our plate to constantly deal with your petty scambling. Besides we need to clear the town and plan our next step." Mabel Said. 

"Fine. But if Ford...messes things up again..nothing you say will stop me from teaching him a lesson." Stan Said as he walked off.

"Thanks for that Mab..." Ford said. 

"I didn't do that for you." She said before he could finish.

"What?" Ford asked.

"I Said...I didn't do it for you. I did it for my brother and the other victims of my mistake." Mabel Said.

"O..Oh." Ford Said.

"Sigh...Look Ford, you still have to prove to me that you can regain my trust and so failed every aspect of rebuilding our bond. So do us all a favor...and show us that we can place our faith in you again." Mabel Said as she walked off towards the front door and sat on the top step. 

"I hate this." Mabel Said to herself. She hated the fighting, the endless suffering and the fact that her brother was falling for Bill. But most of all...she hated herself. For she was the one who released Weirdmaggedon in the first place. The one who took her brother for granted and constantly chased after boys. As she sat there...she was unaware that she was being watched by someone who loved her for a while now. 

And her admirer looked on at the tears that slowly fell down Mabel's checks...they vowed to save her brother and restore things to normal while Dipper enjoyed his breakfast in bed...

Unaware that he was going to meet some more emotions when he starts training again.

Author Notes:

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Bye 👋

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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