First School Day

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                      CHAPTER 4

I walked through the halls with my 3 new friends. There were a lot of people in the hallway all looking and staring at me. I just looked at the floor and kept walking. " Dont worry about them they just dont know you yet," said Luke. " Umm okay," I replied still looking at the floor. " This is Mr. Plagstone's class so yeah this is our stop," said Michael. Michael and I walk in the classroom with about 5 minutes till the bell. There are already so many people in the class. "Come on," Michael said grabbing my hand and leading me to the back of the class. I just look at the floor with everyone whispering things like how does she know him and Oh my god Becky what is she wearing. "You can sit back here woth me if you want?" Said Michael pointing to a chair by him. I nod and sit down nervously. "Dont be nervous everyone will love you when they get to know you more," Michael said trying to be reassuring. The bell rings and I jump startled. Michael laughs and I give him a death glare. "Okay god dont kill me your stare is scary," Michael said not laughing anymore. The science classroom was at little tables not like square tables but the ones that go straight across and fit about two people. The teachers desk was at the front of the classroom and michael and I were in the back. The teacher walks in and glances at me and says," looks like we have a new student please stand up and introduce yourself." I stand awkwardly and say," Hi my names Brooke." Shes American someone says astonished. I take my seat and the room burst into conversation.  "Quite down everyone we will begin where we left off yesterday."


Second period went about the same way except it was maths and Luke and Calum were in that class. The maths teacher is Mrs. Shern she seems nice. I sat with Luke and Calum at their table. There wasnt as many people in this class and it was quieter. Then came third period and I had p.e. so I didnt have any classes with any of the boys. When I got to p.e. we had to change to for class. I didnt like changing in front of other people because of the bruises I get from the beatings so I change in a stall. We had to run but I didnt mind running I was on the cross-country team back in America. I just kept to myself and finished before everyone else so I just sat down on some bleachers. Some girls approached me that had just finished and I dont really want to talk but I dont want to seem rude. "Hey we saw you finish really quickly and was wondering if you wanted to koin the croos-country team," the blonde one said. "I would love to I was actually on the cross-country team back in America," I replied with a smile. "Great we'd love to have you on the team im Kelly by the way," said Kelly holding out her hand. I take her hand and say,"Im brooke nice to meet you." The other girls introduce themselves and we had a nice conversation.


After 4th with luke is lunch. I walk into the cafeteria and grab a tray of food its spaghetti and I dont really like spaghetti. (Please dont kill me I dont like spaghetti okay)

I look around and find Luke waving at me so I walk over and sit down. "Hey guys," I say. "Hows your first day of school in Australia?" Asks luke.

"Good I say I was invited to join the cross-country team," I say proud of myself. "Really, thats awesome," said Calum. "Yeah the girls that invited me to join were really nice," I say smiling. "Thats great when do you start practice?" Asked Michael. "Next week," im still smiling while I reply. Lunch continues on and we talk about anything its surprising how easy they are to talk to.


During fifth I have study hall. I walk into the library and notice a nerdy but friendly looking girl sitting alone reading. I walk over and sit down next to her. She looks at me a little frightened. "Hi," I say to her smiling. "Hi sorry I thoughg you were here to make fun of me," she said a little nervous. "Why would I do that?" I ask a little confused. "Well some people here dont like smart people and I dont really have friends," she replied. "Well thats not nice ill be your friend," i say holding out my hand," im brooke nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too im Jasmine," she said taking my hand. We had a nice conversation until the period was over and it turns out we had some more together.


Seventh period was pur last class of the day and I had art with luke and calum. The teachers name was Mrs. Lince. I sat with luke and calum and se had to draw animals. I chose a penguin because they are so flippin adorable and my favorite animal. I look over at calums paper and I cant even tell what he's drawing. He notices me looking and holds it up and says," Its a cat." "Calum thays not a cat its a naked mole rat with a horrible skin condition," I reply. "You got eczema?" Luke says copying a vine and we all start laughing. Calum just gives me puppy dog eyes and a pouty lip," but its a kitty," he says and I just look at him with pity. Luke looks over at my drawing and just totally freaks out. "Oh my god its a flippin penguin." "Penguins are my favorite animal ever," he says. "Really mine too," I say. "Wow your drawing looks so realistic," says Calum. "Thanks," I say. "Hey I was wondering," says Luke nervously," wanna hang out sometime. This totally astonishes me. "Yea of course but I dont have a phone," I reply. "Thats okay we'll just work out a time," he says

Okay I know I havent updated in a while and I hope this was long enough and its late but I have a maths exam tomorrow and thought this would help relieve spme stress. Im totally going to fail this exam. But anyways hope you enjoyed and I got over 50 views this astonishes me so I thank you my viewers I dont know what I should
Call you peeps so tell me what you want to be called and if you enjoyed thanks and I promise to update soon.


Oh yeah and the Becky thing I thought it would be funny but its kinda cringe worthy but oh well. Everytime I say cringe I think of the danisnotonfire vid.

Okay for real this time Bai!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2014 ⏰

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