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I always thought that stories like these only exists in anime, books, and movies. I was wrong it does exist in real life. Those slomo, the sparks, that electricity you feel when you started liking someone, the dynamite that beats from your heart, this is my story. The story I never expected to happen in my life.

Let's start off, by knowing who I am. My name is James Alexander Lourneigan, you can call me Sky in short a typical college student, taking up psychology at the University of Veigen. Well before going to college there is one thing I can't get off my head and that is girls. I mean life will be meaningless without them right? It's sad to say that things didn't work out great back at highschool. It starts with the getting to know stage, affection stage, the so called in a relationship stage, keeping a stronger relationship, marriage. Too bad I just reached the second stage, being zoned is not a good thing in fact it keeps on tearing my heart apart.

Freshman week started and I am excited in meeting new people. Maybe this time, I'd meet the person I will finally call "mine." I am a shy person at first, but I am fun to be with when you get to know me. We toured around the campus by section. I am at section A-1 and I had a lot of fun. Then came the math subject, it's not that I don't like it. It's just that math breaks your heart if you know what I mean. The food here taste great. My day came to an end, I can't wait for the next day to come.

It was the second day of freshman week, and we started to form groups. Most of my classmates came from abroad. We shared our experiences and the things we have in common. We talked about a lot, hell lot. I was laughing so hard that I started to feel the need of going to the comfort room. While walking at the hallway, I saw this girl running with an anime-like costume. I find her cute and yeah hot I must say. After all those distraction, I finally found the comfort room. As I wash my hands I can't stop thinking of her, that sweet smile, her cute green-colored eyes, the scent of her hair, her lips with rose-like colored lipstick. I hope to see her again. She just made my day. It's unexplainable, this feeling. This atmosphere, it's like fireworks and shooting stars all over the place. I never thought that she will become a huge impact in my life. I just saw her once, and yet I felt something I never expected. Could this be love at first sight? Or is it just infatuation.

Hours have passed and I arrived home, so tired. What I usually do is place my bag on top of my bed, take off my clothes, wait for 10-20 minutes and take a shower, and then I eat dinner. Before going to bed I either watch tv or listen to music. After some time I fall asleep, I hug one of my favorite pillow and it's kind of my thing, while sleeping. It's weird, coz that night I find it hard to sleep, is it because of the girl I saw earlier today? Questions flood in my head. Questions like Is she the one? Will I ever get the chance to see her again? Is it possible for us to meet in person? You know just us in the picture. Man she gave me a lot of butterflies today.

The next morning I got this good feeling. Brush my teeth, take a bath, cook, eat breakfast, pack up my things, then go to school. I never thought I'd see her again, my day is just getting started when I saw her by the gates. This time she's in her school uniform. We had this split second stare at each other. I thought that maybe she remembered me from yesterday. I don't know what to do my heart goes "boomboomboom." It got worst when she smiled back at me. Isn't she adorable. My first class was history one of the most boring classes I had. I thought it was when not when, I saw her entering our room. That changed everything I got interested on that subject. You know to impress her. The professor then checked the attendance and arranged us according to surname. It was a coincidence for we became seatmates. Her name was Raven Alexis Schwizer or "Rain" in short. Our parents really does have unique tastes on our names.

As time goes by, we get close together every single day. I never thought that I'd fall for her this fast. But still I always keep my shields up. I have to say she very kind, generous, beautiful inside out, nice, and simple. I got impressed when she showed me her sketches and drawings, that was when she told me that it was her passion and her goal was to become a famous artist.

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