I would like to inform you that this introduction is incredibly important and passing it over would be detrimental to your reading experience.
Yes, introductions are commonly thought of as nothing but boring background information that provides a dull history lesson, and that is the truth, for the most part. Most introductions are cringe-worthy with the fanciful language they use, or the useless facts included. But let me tell you something.This introduction, is different.
Spectacularly different.Yes, it contains bits and pieces of the story, but those are very important. Now some fine gentleman or lady might argue that traditional introductions are very important as well, and I'll give them that much. Yes they are important, but who said important had to be boring?
Now, dear reader, I'm going to ask you to do something. Something rather difficult, but something that's is required of you if you are to read any further. That something is to forget reality itself. That's right, you heard me, reality.
Forget it.
Refuse, reader, that it ever existed. Because believe me, to be able to read or enjoy this story, you will have to refuse to remember any shred of reality. Otherwise, this story will not make sense.
This story is the result of many shards of classic tales together into one, strangely realistic portrait of truth...there it is, see that word, realistic? I think I just broke my own rule.
Truth is, I am are going to teach you to consider reality in a disturbingly clear way. I will show you a different reality, and even though this one may not exist, I hope that each fantastic imaginary character will open up a new truth, or even an old one, inside of you. I will show you aspects of the human heart you never thought imaginable, and I hope you will come away from this story with a different meaning. Now I'm not saying that any of your perspectives on this book are wrong. This story is meant to show you a bit of yourself...and I hope it will both scare you a little bit, and make you consider and value your life and other's like never before.
Most people expect stories to begin with "Once upon a time", but this one will not. Instead we shall begin with "And they lived happily ever after", or at least some version of it. Sybil was dead. Well, not dead in the traditional sense of the word, but not altogether the same either. Instead the person she was from the "Once upon a time" point in our story was as dead and gone as last week's super, and the person she became was so very different from the earlier version of herself, she was almost unrecognizable. For the record, the old version of Sybil was detestable, selfish, whiny, and an around pain in the rear, so not many were sad to see her go, (this is not untrue of many girls her age you see, but Sybil was a particularly bad egg) and the person that replaced her had proved her courage and loyalty on more occasions than one.
You may be asking yourself, "what is the point of reading on if I've already been told how the story ends?" and the answer, my friend, is that the journey is much more exciting than "And they lived happily ever after. The end." and I should hope that it is worth both my time and your's.
The Misadventures of Sybil Cook
FantasyA girl finds herself in a fantastical land full of things she never could have thought to exist.