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It did not feel real.

Clutching my stomach in pain and ripping the hair from my head.

With every word spoken, I felt betrayed.

You weren't listening to what I was saying.

You were giving in to the insanity
of the situation.

You were treating me as if I
belonged in a psych ward
and not here
in this comfortable bed.

I had no control over how you
interpreted my thoughts.

I could have said I wanted
to make tea and you
would think I intended
to hurt a fly.

"Focus on your breathing, in and out," she said.

Breathe in.
You are okay.

Breathe out.
Are you really?

Repeat process.

Nothing felt real.

Searching for explanations and
seeing them fit to my personal
situations while I
explained my explanations
to friends who could not understand.

It did not feel real.

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