Dear bully 15

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Dear Bully,
Your girlfriend or should I say ex, slammed my head on your locker and left me .
I was bleeding
I was happy the pain was welcoming
You saw me.
You saved me.
It scares me to even imagine you have changed.

***Ella's pov***

After the whole Claire slamming my head into Alex's locker incident, Alex confronted her and took me to the school nurse, he seemed worried.

"What happened" Miss Vanessa,the school nurse, asked.

"I walked into a wall" I quickly blurt out before Alex could say anything.

Miss Vanessa scrunched her nose in disbelief but didn't question me further, she took my blood pressure and check my eyes then she gave me a few pills after bandaging my head.

"Should I get you something to eat?" She asked to which I immediately responsed with a harsh "NO" .

A little too harsh if I might add.

"I've eaten" I lied keeping my head down as if the lie I said was convincing enough.

There was no way I would gain back the weight I lost.

I must be beautiful.

After she was done making sure I had no other injuries she excused me, Alex had stayed till I was done with the check up then he offered to give me a ride to which I quickly refused saying I had something to do.

He stared at me weirdly before nodding and heading out the school building. I went to my locker to get some notes as I opened my locked a note fell out.

'Do not confuse pity for help.' I read it to myself, I looked around to see if anyone was close before stuffing the note in my pocket and heading home.

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