Dear bully 21

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Dear Bully,
I weigh 98 pounds just 5 more till I am beautiful.

***Ella's pov***

I am a coward I couldn't bring my self to do it, I sobbed till I fell asleep waking up to immense stomach ache.

Morning was not a relief, it just reminded me of suffering I'm going to experience for the day if not for the rest of my miserable life.

I washed up and wore my favorite jeans which honestly should be in the trash and a long sleeved top to go with it, looking at the mirror I saw nothing but disaster looking back at me.

A very ugly girl was staring back at me I had very prominent bags under my eyes, my face was pale to a fault and my lips were chapped nothing screamed beautiful nor confident.

It just screamed crazy and deranged.

"Hey" a really pretty girl said setting her tray by me in the cafeteria

'Huh who is that?' I asked myself, I have never seen her before 'What is happening?'

"Please don't do anything I'm tired" I say out loud using my hand to shield my face

"You are funny" she laughed before introducing herself " Hi, I am Ally, I'm new here" she introduced

Oh that explains it, that explains a lot

"I'm Ella" I answered flinching slightly when she stretches her hand out.

"Nice to meet you Ella, where is your lunch tray?" Ally asked staring at the books I had scatter on the table instead of my lunch

"I had an early lunch" I quickly fibbed

"Oh" was all she said before she offered me some of her lunch which was a full box of pizza and a bottle of water, to which I politely declined.

How does she eat that much without gaining weight?, she looked like she would fit in with the likes of Claire, skinny and pretty which I was not

Why is she here sitting with me?

Is she trying to destroy her reputation?

"You really shouldn't be hanging out with me" I speak up after a while.

"Why not?" She asked her attention shifting from her lunch which she was gobbling down next to me.

"If you associate with me, you could ruin you reputation, I'm literally rock bottom" I tell her looking down at my fingers waiting for her to pick up her lunch and change tables

"Nah it's fine, I don't really care much about that besides I think you are cool" Ally replied with a huge smile on her lips.

Did I really just make a Friend?

is that how it works?.

A friend?

Dear bullyWhere stories live. Discover now