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"okay dad, open your present." i told him as i sit in my pajamas next to raquel. raquel had spent the week over and we both went to buy a present for my dad.

he grabbed the box from under the tree and ripped off the wrapping paper. his face lit up once he saw his present, "i've been wanting this for the longest." my dad says as he turns the box around and reads everything.

my dad is the biggest coffee addict i know and he's gone through three coffee makers in his life, so raquel and i thought  we could get him those super modern coffee makers.

"i love it, you guys are the best." he says and gives us both a hug.

"raquel's turn." i say as i grab the two boxes from under the tree.

she smiles as she grabbed both of them and placed once to the side. she opened the box and saw a folded, red, silk robe laying on the box, "gosh this is beautiful." she looks at me and smiles before giving me a hug. "you're the best."

she then grabs the other box and opens it, only to see another box. she gives my dad a skeptical look before opening the other box that led to another box. "am i getting pranked?" she asked him and he put his hands up in surrender.

she opened the next few boxes until she saw the smallest one. she untied the bow that was wrapped around it, only to reveal a key. her facial expressions drop along with mine. "i-is this what i think it is?" she stutters.

"if you're thinking of the key to our house, then yes." he says and smiles sweetly. "move in with us."

my mouth drops to the floor in shock. a good shock. i'm glad my dad has found a woman whom he truly loves and trusts enough to live with him.

she looks at me for approval and i nod before throwing my arms around her, "welcome to the family!" i say and give her a hug.

"think it about it." he tells her as he rubs her knee. "okay madison, open up your presents." he says and i excited walk over to the tree.

i grab the two boxes and bring them over to where raquel and my dad are sitting. i hurriedly open the boxes and see a mini refrigerator sit in front of me. "no. fucking. way." i say and my dad gives me a stern look.

"madison." he scolded me for cursing, but i only smile. "i know how much you love skin stuff and i read online that it's good for facial things." he says. i'm going to tear up.

"thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" i repeat and he smiles.

i then grab the other box and open it up. inside the box was a james charles morphe palette and a brush set from morphe.

"i needed a new palette." i said and raquel sighs in relief.

"thank god you liked it, i was afraid you weren't going to like it." she says and i laugh.

"if it's make up then i love it." i say and we all get up.

we pick up the mess from the living room and throw everything away. my dad and raquel decide they're going upstairs to watch some shows so i stayed downstairs.

i was watching netflix when i heard a knock on the door. i pause the tv and get up to open the door, and i see mattia standing in front of me with a white box and a small little bag.

he shoots me the smile that makes me weak and i give him a kiss on his lips. "merry christmas." i tell him and i move aside for him to come in.

"merry christmas baby." he says as he walks in and places the gifts on the couch.

"you didn't have to get me anything, you know." i told him and he messed with my hair.

"what type of boyfriend would i be if i didn't?" he says with a sly grin as he slips his hands around my waist.

"a normal one." i playfully push him away and grab his presents.

"i knew you were going christmas shopping that day!" he says as he punches the air in success. he's such a little boy.

"you go first." i told him and he grabbed the two boxes.

he opened one of them and he smiles widely. it was a black kappa shirt that i know would just look good on him.

"all the boys have a shirt like this and i didn't so thank you." he says and i smile, excited for him to open the next present.

he grabs the box and gives a small shake, "shoes." he says. he opens the box that reveals the comme de garçons converse that everyone's been talking about. he throws the box and starts running around before quickly carrying me and spinning me. "you're the best girlfriend ever." he says. "i love you. i love you. i love you." he gives me a kiss on my face after every i love you.

my heart warms up in joy and i'm so glad i got him something he likes. "babe these are expensive." he says as he looks at them carefully.

"it's the least i could do for everything that you've spent on me." i tell him and he smiles.

"you don't have to pay me back, but i fucking love them." he says and he grabs the gifts he has for me. "your turn."

he first gives me the white box and i give it shake but nothing moves. "not shoes." i say and he laughs. i open the box and see a bunch roses in them. "these are those roses that i see on instagram!" i tell him. "i love them."

"i know you love flowers." he says. "open the next one." he urges me.

i grab the little bag with a small box inside. i untie the red ribbon from the box and open it. it's a necklace with a cursive 'm' on it. my heart drops and my eyes almost immediately tear up.

"mattia." i breathe his name as i admire the beautiful silver necklace he got me.

he scoots closer, "you can wear it as mattia or madison or both." he suggested and i smile. he's so thoughtful.

"this is beautiful." i say as i take it out of the box.

"i'll put it on for you." he tells me and i turn around as he clips the necklace on.

i go to the mirror by my living room and look at myself. "you say the shoes are expensive, but this was probably expensive." i told him as i looked at him through the mirror.

"let's not worry about that." he says as we both walk to the couch.

"i love you so much." i told him as i gave him a tight, warm hug. "you leave in two days."

"i know, but i'll be back on the thirtieth." he says as he places an arm over my shoulder. "i have something special for both of us." he says.

"oh god, a surprise." i say and he laughs. he knows i'm not a fan of receiving surprises.

"my parents and my brother are going out of town tomorrow to visit a family friend, but i didn't really feel like going so i planned a little date for us." he smiles. "i know, i'm the best boyfriend. you can stop saying it now." he flips his non existent long hair and i chuckle at his silliness.

"you're so annoying." i told him and he gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"and you love it."

author's notes
i wonder what's going to happen

no idea ❀ mattia polibio Where stories live. Discover now