Chapter 7: Jason

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As soon as morning hit me and Luke were practically running out of the house.
"BYE PATTY KARIM AND BRI WERE GONE" I screamed out while me and Luke ran to the door and piled into my small red car.
"Ok who's driving" Luke said even though he was already in the driving seat.

"You obviously, your already sitting there" I tried to reason with him. But Luke kept pestering.
"Fine,fine lets just solve it with Rock Paper Scissors" me and Luke put our fist out.
"Ready Rock Paper Scissors" I put out a rock but Luke put out scissors.

"Hhahhhha now get to driving biiiitch" I laughed my heart out as Luke started up the car with a huge pouty look on his face.
"I love you babe" I stretched over and kissed his cheek and his pouty face went away . He replaced it with a derp face.

"AMAZING lets go than" he started the car and we drive off.
✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨We pulled up seeing huge trees so tall it looked almost like they were reaching to touch the sky.
"Oh my goshw Luke looked around in awe at the large trees around him.
We both bounded out of the car and started to walk down the path.

It was quiet you could hear the birds chirping and the wind whipping back and forth. We walked for a while trying to find a good tree to climb but the air between us became full of tension I stopped.

"What's wrong Luke" I asked I wasn't used to my boyfriend being so quiet

"I asked you to come out here Jason because I'm worried" he admitted.

"About what" I continued to walk.

"About you Jason your worrying patty your scaring me with your new attitude did somthing happen between you and bri?" Luke questioned I stopped in my steps again.

"You know yeah there's a problem me and bribry used to be close but now.....i don't know what's going on"i began to get everything off my chest Luke stays silent.

"He's flirting with Karim it's like he's asking for a competition I mean me and bribry are best friend I Just- I just" I trailed off in my words and leaned against a tree nearby.

"What your just what Luke" I didn't speak.

"Look I know your mad but don't cut me out please at least tell me" Luke begged me.

"We're best friends and I don't want to lose that friendship with him but you,Patty and Karim are my main focus bribry will have to wait" i admitted we were quiet for a couple more minutes.

"Tell him you need to tell bribry the deal before thing get even worse" Luke stated I knew he was right I just didn't want to walk up to my friend and talk to him about this.

"Now come on" Luke held out his hand and a grabbed it and squeezed tightly as we began to walk again.
"I want to climb some trees" Luke ran to a large tree and began to climb up the trunk. I followed close behind.
"Mmmm that bum though" I commented as I landed my hand on it giving a squeeze.

"Ohhhh at least by me a drink first" Luke and me laughed as we sat on one of the branches close to the ground.
Luke leaned his head on my shoulder.
"Just give Bribry a chance I don't want you to lose another friend" Luke looked up at me with innocent bright blue eyes.
"I'll try I promise"
After our talk we walked and laughed climes trees and fell only a couple times but all good times come to an end as the started for the car again.
"Thanks babe I needed this" I said while pecking his lips on Luke's beard that was starting to form.

"No problem anything for you" he tossed his arm around my waist as we saw the car in the distance
"we should get something to eat too on the way back" I mentioned.
"NANDOS NANDOS" Luke chanted as we got in the car we both got in as Luke started the car. my phone began to rang seeing Patty's face lit up on my screen.
"HEY PATTY" I yelled through the phone.

"Hey umm could you guys come back home please" patty practically begged me I turned it on speaker phone.
"Why,whats wrong" Luke and I started to get worried as he hurried and pulled off back to home.
"Nothing I just want you guys to come back please" Patty asked I could hear him trying to lie but it wouldn't work.
"Ok Patty were coming home and when we get there please tell us the truth" I asked Patty he quietly agreed hanging up the phone.

I looked over to Luke.
"Hurry up Luke I have a feeling our friend ship with Bribry is over" I sat up in my seat as the car speed back home.
You do not put my boyfriends in danger.
✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨Keep up the positive vibes

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