Chapter 3: Forgive and Forget

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Marinette heard the kwami's voice traveling up to her ears. Her body felt particularly heavy being pinned down to the bed, which was just one of the very few reasons why she didn't want to open her eyelids. 

"Marinette! Wake up!" the kwami awoke her further. 

"Five more minutes..." she whined sleepily, burying her face on her soft, cloud-like pillow. 

"Marinette, you said you wanted me to wake you up early!" Tikki grumbled annoyedly, ruffling the blunette's unkempt hair. 

"Fine," she responded, rubbing her eyes while still being a bit drowsy. 

Marinette did the usual and got ready, then Tikki went inside her bag. She went downstairs and ate breakfast. After, she took some cookies for her kwami, and stuffed them in her bag without her parents noticing. 

"Bye!" she waved goodbye to her mom and dad. They waved back, and she walked to school.

A few seconds later, she immediately remembered when she first saw Master Fu and helped him cross. She smiled at the memory and continued walking. She arrived at school, first seeing the last person she wanted to see.


"Oh, look who it is," Chloè sneered. Marinette frowned in disgust. She just wanted to go to class in peace. She already had problems with Adrien; she didn't want more complications.

"What do you want, Chloè?" she huffed in a provoked manner.

"I heard Adrikins said you were a worthless Admirer, and well, he's not wrong." Chloè laughed mockingly. Sabrina was beside her looking sad. She mouthed a 'sorry,' and Marinette mouthed an 'it's okay.' She was about to cry when she heard a rather angelic voice.

"That's enough, Chloè."

"Adrikins, dear!" Chloè gasped, exclaiming in her very annoying voice as she flung herself on him. Marinette was astonished. Why in the world was Adrien holding a bouquet of roses? Chloè squished Adrien with her tight hug; to be honest, his face was priceless. He seemed disgusted, annoyed, hurt, and irritated.

Marinette giggled. She didn't expect that to come out of her mouth. She was amused by a guy that tore her to shreds. "M-Marinette?" Adrien looked surprised and amazed at the same time; Chloè and Sabrina were surprised as well. She mean, she was surprised herself.

She quickly changed the mood, coughing as she returned to looking stoic. Chloè stopped hugging Adrien then opened her mouth. Marinette shuddered.


"Why are you holding roses? Are they for moi?" Chloè asked, pointing to herself. 

"No Chloè, these are not for you..." Adrien replied rudely. 

"Ugh, whatever. Anyway, let's get away from this...admirer Adrikins, she's not worth our time." At this point, Adrien looked furious. Pissed, to be precise

"Chloè, do you mind leaving me alone with my...admirer? I want to uhm insult her...alone." Adrien gritted his teeth, holding back his fists. He sounded sarcastic. Nevertheless, Marinette was still offended. 

"Of course Adrikins, anything for you. Come on Sabrina!" Chloè said, strutting away as if she were a model on a runway. Marinette felt somewhat relieved, but also still hurt by what he said. She crossed her arms, avoiding his gorgeous eyes.

"W-what do you want?" She mentally slapped herself for stuttering. 

To my surprise, Adrien handed out the bouquet to me. "This is for—"

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