Chapter 7: Lila And Her Lies

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Marinette Pov

I was walking towards school, unaware of what might happen next. I was just a step from the stairs when I saw Kim and Alix glaring at me. I was confused, why did they seem mad?

"You are so selfish Marinette...!" Alix shouted at me.


"How could you hurt someone as innocent and kind!" Kim added. "G-guys, I don't understand, what are you saying? I didn't hurt anyone..." I defended myself. 

What was going on? 

"Yeah right, like we would believe you." Kim scoffed, crossing his arms. "I thought we were friends Marinette, but since you hurt her, we can't be anymore." Alix said, they both walked away from me. I didn't understand anything, it was all so unclear. Who is behind this? I asked myself. I wanted to know what was going on as soon as possible. The first person that came to my mind, Alya. I could ask her. She should know what was going on.

I walked up the stairs, each step my nervousness increased, my stomach churned, I was anxious and very uncomfortable being stared at. I was the center of attention. People who were once my friends were shooting daggers at me with their glaring. I heard mumbles like, 'What a terrible person', and 'How did she have the audacity to say and do that to her' Who exactly was her?

I wanted to know right away...

I went inside the school, still being glared at. I saw Lila, covering her eyes sitting at a bench, though it looked like she was acting, fake crying. And once I saw who was beside her, I couldn't believe my eyes, Chloè Bourgeois, was comforting her. But I had a feeling this was all fake, and they set me up.

I was clearly missing something.

Lila stopped crying and wiped away her fake tears. When no one was looking, she went up to me, while Chloè was sitting at the bench crossing her legs and arms. "What is going on?!?" I questioned Lila. Lila's eyes glimmered in mischief, and turned all innocent-like.

"Whatever do you mean Marinette?" the liar asked like she didn't know what I was saying.

"Oh you know what I mean Lila, why is everyone mad at me?" I asked her. She laughed like a devil. "You will have to find that out yourself!" She sneered. "What did I ever do to you!" I growled. "Stay away from my Adrien, Chloè told me you went on a date with him, and if you ever go near him again, I'll make your life a living hell..." She warned. I glared at her, hating her guts. She flipped her hair and walked back to Chloè. I rolled my eyes.

I approached Alya to ask what was really going on. She and Nino flinched, as if they had seen a ghost. "Guys, I'm really confused, why was Lila crying? And why does everyone seem to hate me...?" I asked them, puzzled. They were doing the same as the others did, looking at me like I was some sort of monster. 

"Marinette, I don't know if I can believe you, or if we can believe you." Alya said in a stern voice. "What do you mean? Alya, I don't understand what's going on, please believe me..." I pleaded, Alya's angry look turned pitiful. But then she shook her head. "Don't play dumb Marinette, drop the 'Pretending to be innocent' act already." Nino said, furrowing his eyebrows at me.  

"Are you really telling the truth...?" Alya asked me, seeming like she secretly wanted me to say yes. "Of course I am, Alya you know me, I'm your best friend, and whatever thing that made everybody hate me, is not true." I told her. Nino's face turned sad, just like Alya's.

"Okay, I don't fully believe you yet dudette, but I'll try to." Nino said to me. "Same here..." Alya added. I nodded in understanding. "But really, what is going on...?" I asked the couple. They looked at each other and Alya unlocked her phone, showing me a picture. But it wasn't just any picture.

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