Chapter 4 - Deal

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Carol's POV:

I thought about it. Erik fit him. I smiled and walked toward him. I held out my hand and said,

“Hi, Erik, my name is Carol.” He looked at my hand and then back at me. I could see his chest rising and falling at quick intervals. He slowly reached out and took my hand in his. I held it tightly. The fingers were long and narrow. The hands of a true musician. They were yellowed like his face and I suspected that his whole body was like that. He reached up and placed his other hand on mine. I could sense the fear in his form. He was so unsure that it was almost funny had it not been sad. He finally released my hand and pulled away. I was confused.

“Did I do something wrong?” He shook his head and the emotion vanished from his face. I knew he was hiding it from me.

“You seem well enough to go back to the surface. I will take you.” He moved to get his cloak but I started to shake my head violently.

“Please, I don't want to go back. I don't like it up there. It is cold and I am not liked. I have no one.” He turned to me in shock.

“What did you just say?” I sighed.

“I don't want to go back.” He shook his head.

“If you don't want to go back then that means that you want to stay with me, right?” I nodded. It was true. I knew he was insane and that he didn't know right from wrong. I knew that he was wild man with an uncontrollable temper but I wanted to stay with him. If he killed me it wouldn't matter but at least I would be with someone who understood the taunting. I hadn't ever let it on how much it hurt. He walked toward me and said,

“You know what you are agreeing too. You are putting your life on the line. My temper once released is impossible to control. You are putting your life on the line to be with me.” I nodded.

“If you killed me than what would it matter. I would kill myself up there.” I pointed upward. “I was trying to do that when you found me.”

“I suspected. I know suicide when I see it. I have tried often enough but I don't have the courage.” I smiled.

“I tell you what. Let's make a deal. You won't try to kill yourself if I don't. Deal?” I held out my hand again. He looked at me and the same shock was apparent on his face.

“If you will answer me this. Why did you try to kill yourself?” I sighed.

“People don't like people who are different.” I touched my scars and sighed. Erik stepped closer.

“Trust me, I know. We have a deal.” He took my hand firmly. He was getting the idea of a handshake. I laid one of my hands over his and he took a deep breath. I could see he was trying to calm himself. I shifted on my feet and realized I was about to collapse. I smiled and started to walk back to my room. He quickly followed after me.

“What's wrong?” I could hear the panic rising in his voice. “Did I hurt you?” I shook my head.

“I am just very tired.” I laid down and whispered, “Sing me something. I heard you have a haunting voice.” I saw him shift uncomfortably. “Or not. I understand. Just stay here until I go to sleep.” He took his place beside my bed and started to hum a tune which put me to sleep immediately.

Erik's POV:
I looked down at my hand and couldn't believe that she had held it willingly. She hadn't run away when she saw me without the cape. I had thought for sure she would. I mean, who wouldn't? Christine hadn't stayed even though she had known me through her music for years. She could love the music but not the man behind it. But this Carol, didn't seem like most. She knew something of what I had gone through. Her scars were permanent. There was nothing I could do about that. I reached out to touch her face again and was shocked when she shifted so that her cheek was lying in my palm. I shuddered. I hadn't been so close to a living human in years. It felt good. It nearly made me feel human. Nearly.

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