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last chapter: "guys, the world is spinning" I push out before the world goes dark.


I start to come too only to feel water be thrown on me

"How nice" I mutter fully waking up, I look around myself to see that I am tied to a chair with a woman watching me

"so you're the little slut Jacob chose" the woman laughs, I look closer at her beautiful dark brown hair that is in a wavy curl pattern that you could only achieve if you straightened your hair and then plaited it overnight.

"you must be the infamous wife" I splitter out only to be slapped across the face, my mouth fills with blood making me spit it out onto her

"I won't tell you where they are" I state looking her dead in the eyes

"he chooses well, I didn't think you would be so brave. when I heard he got a little mistress I expected someone not so feisty. demi was proud of you, you know that. she spilled the beans that he had a mistress though. she wasn't too smart that one but you, you have potential" she smiles

"I won't join you and how dare you talk about demi" I hiss out

"you see I don't want you to join me, you have been tainted no offence nor do I need you to tell me where my dear husband is because he will come looking for you, and where he does we will be ready. you are just here as bait and fun" she laughs before walking out the room.

"since Shawn took such a liking too you ill let him control the torture but Hunny bun I hope you know now not to mess with a married man" she smiles

"at least he loves me" I comment making her stop dead in her tracks

"What did you say" she growls

"Are you deaf? I said at least he loves me, he ran out on you on your wedding day and you give two shits about him really, the marriage was forced too so you can't really believe he loves you, can you" I state making her rush at me with a knife I didn't even know she had, I feel the knife dig into my leg and I don't even wince

"you are lucky I don't kill you" she growls

"if you do it now or later it doesn't matter, I know you will kill me anyway" I state before she leaves the room.

well damn, didn't expect this

A/N: how are you liking the book so far?

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