Reacting to Bianex

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Me: Hey guys. Biana and Dex get to hate me today. Sophie you can enjoy your day off.

Sophie: Why?

Me: Because today we're reacting to......BIANEX! Or Diana. I don't really care just pick a ship name.

Sophie: I want to see this one. *Flops back on couch beside Keefe who just did the same thing a minute ago*

Biana: Oh no. NOOOOO! Please do a different ship!

Dex: I agree. *Blushes*

Me: Ok so you guys CLEARY like each other so just admit. Oh yeah and everyone else has to say how they feel about the ship.


Fitz: As long as they're both happy.

Linh: SUCH a cute ship!

Keefe: Hey Dex, you better still find time for our pranks. Otherwise, *Mimics Sophie's voice* CUTE SHIP!

Tam: This is getting wayyyyyyyyyy to awkward. But nice ship I guess?

Me: Okay Tam. Since you think this is awkward, we're doing your ship tomorrow! See you guys then! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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