An ass kicking

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It had been weeks since Angel and Alastor's strange moment. They'd grown distant, Al avoiding Angel at all costs. It was weird, of course, but Angel took no notice.

Husk and Niffty had also been having trouble talking, the fact that Niffty reminded Husk of his wife, made it harder for them to talk. Husk drank heavily, Niffty often went out and came home with different demons. Sometimes the same one.

One appeared more often. He was a Cyclops too, but he had black skin, a green eye and smokey grey hair. He was slightly taller than Niffty and spoke in a thick Norwegian accent.

He dressed very casually and always carried a red backpack on him.

Husk decided to do something about it.

Husk waited for Niffty to come home and sure enough, he was there with her. She had taken her ring off and disposed of it somewhere. That only made him angrier.

He walked over to them, instantly stopping them in their tracks.

"Honey, where have you been? I've been extremely worried."

He gritted his teeth together whilst speaking, making it clear he was completely sick of this.

"Husk. Move. I'm busy."

"Sweetheart? Whose this?"

Husk froze.

She had moved on? Even though they were just taking a break?

"What do you mean. IM HER FIANCÉ."

The Cyclops froze. Niffty started to sweat.

"He's my ex. He's just some blackout drunk. That's why I left him. Now, I couldn't care less about your sorry apology. Move!"

"It's been two weeks Niffty! We were taking a break! What the fuck!?"

Niffty scoffed and moved him out of the way.

Husk stood there and dropped the bottle in his hand. He ran to Angel's room, having gotten alot closer in the past weeks. He knocked on the door, in fits if tears. Angel opened it in a robe, having just gotten out of the shower. It wasn't too revealing, just below his knees and obviously showing his chest fluff.

He stood at the door staring in awe at the teary, upset husk.

(Hey quick note, angel has had an app installed on a device that angel can wear round his neck, looks like a necklace, Baxter made it and it can transfer thoughts directed at the machine into a speaker, allowing him to communicate. Angel cannot speak still. It'll be a while before that happens x)

"Heya sugar.. you okay-"

Husk cut Angel off by leaning into his chest and crying his eyes out.

Angel put his lanky arms around Husk, welcoming him into an embrace.

Husk pushed Angel into his room and continued to hug him in need of extreme comfort.

Angel did not mind at all. In fact, he welcomed it. Husk proceeded to push Angel onto the bed and snuggle into his chest. The spider was definitely was spirited at this action, but didn't stop it. Angel sighed and looked at the cat chillin on his chest. "What happened.." he asked, stroking husks head lightly.

They were best friends at this point, they easily relaxed in eachother's presence.

During the first days of their growing friendship, they were slightly awkward but soon realized they were similar.

"Anthony.. she left me for a fucking Cyclops prick.."

Angel's eyes widened.

"She what!?"

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