Start with a bang!

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"You win." My Dad sighed in defeat and stepped away from the pool table.

"Are you sure you're not just letting me win?" I asked,  a smirk on my lips.

"I don't even know why I let you talk me into playing against you, you haven't had one loss  in four years," he said as he walked over to me. "But a deals a deal." He sighed as he handed  over the money for tonight. I shouted a quick thanks before running out of the basement that my Dad called his man cave.

"Be safe!" He yelled out.

"Always am!" I shouted back as I ran out the door. I heard the familiar sound of  tires screeching before seeing a car pull up in front of me.

"Get your fat ass in the fucking car now." Claire's head popped out of the car. Her long blonde hair fell over her shoulders in perfect curls, she could have any guy she wanted. She wouldn't even have to speak, just a wink with her blue eyes and a flick of her hair and any guy would be drooling. I jumped in the car and looked at Claire, the expression was to die for.

"What are you wearing?" she whispered in a horrified  voice, I looked down, I was wearing a singlet and leggings.

"You are not going like that" she said while driving away from my house and towards the club.

"I know but I wasn't going to leave my house in my dress." I opened my bag and pulled out a dark blue dress and started to change. When we arrived, we got out of the car and already I was tripping in my heels, I probably look like a deer taking its first steps. I glanced up  to see Claire strutting in front of me in her red dress. She looked back at me with a smug smile, I rolled my eyes.

What a flirt.

I looked down at myself, the blue dress shinning in the low lights of the club. My jet black hair flowing down to my hips, I quickly hobbled over to Claire who was waiting for me at the entrance.

"So who's getting shit-faced?" I asked once we were inside . She turned to me with her fist at the ready. Oh right paper, scissors, rock. 1..2..3!

"Yes, scissors beats paper!" She exclaimed, she turned and walked to the bar I assume to get shots. I leant against a wall and played with the hem of my dress only to have a peice of my hair fall in front of my eyes. Taking a deep breath I tried to blow it out of my face.

I looked up to see Claire talking to Tyler Black, of course, he's the typical bad boy. Every other girl is at his feet, well except Claire and I that is. That's why we get on so well. He has never had a girlfriend. Never. Claire walked over to me breaking me from my thoughts, she shoved a drink into my hand,

"Drink, you need liquid courage," she said as she looked at the dance floor.

I take the shot and feel the burn in the back of my throat. "So you wanna dance?"

"Yeah,  sure why not." She dragged me through the crowds of sweaty people. Time passed as if it was nothing and soon standing in front of me was drunk Claire with a big smile on her face, she leant next to my ear.

"Looks like you caught someone's eye" she whispered. I followed her gaze to Tyler, who was looking at me up and down, smirking.

"Whatever, lets just dance" I yelled over the music. We started dancing, knowing that his eyes were all over me.

Tyler's POV
I walked in to the club alone, after the day I've had I definitely need a drink. I stared at my drink as I listened to guys comment on all the girls that walked in to club. I looked over as I heard one wolf whistle at the girl that had just walked in, I chuckled as I saw Claire strut in. She looked behind her as if waiting for someone, at that moment, Fiona stumbled in.

My breath got caught in my throat.


I look at Fiona who was wearing a tight dress, it hugged all her curves that I never guessed she'd have. She never wore anything like that at school I wonder why, she has the body for it. I watched as she leaned against the doorway while Claire walked over here, she bent over the counter to talk to the barmaid right next to me. I smirked when I saw Fiona blowing hair out of her face. I felt a tap on my shoulder, Claire glared at me.

"Don't you dare" she hissed before walking away. The girls spent most of their night on the dance floor. Claire drunkenly smiled at me, what a light weight, before Fiona turned around and saw me smirking at her. When they started dancing again, I heard some guys next to me who were drunk if their asses, saying how much fun they would have with the girls if they could get them alone. I have no idea why but that angered me so much, this isn't normal. Fiona looked like a dancing flame, I've never seen someone dance with so much passion. Downing the rest of my beer, I hopped off the barstool and walked up to the dance floor right behind Fiona.

"I must say, you've got moves." I whispered into her ear. She froze almost instantly and turned to meet my blue eyes with her green ones. "Let me buy you a drink, you must be thirsty." I leaned in so our lips where almost touching.

She drew a quick breath which caused her chest to rise and her dress to get tighter, she blinked a couple times before shaking her head.

"No I think I'm good."

Authors note
So what do you guys think I'm going to have the story moving faster, I just thought this was a good place to get started since this is right before the drama starts.😋

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