Chapter 07: Gathering An Army.

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Back in the forest, Atanti himself went up to a briefcase, where also a man with a computer for a head, and the screen revealing his face was black, and white. On his tie was the number "079", written across.

The computer headed man opened the briefcase for Atanti, and revealed it to be clothing. Atanti then started changing into a human, as his claws dissolved along with his tail, and reptilian features, he shrank to the size of a human, and revealed to have become naked. Atanti grabbed the clothing out of the briefcase, and pulled out a black jacket, black jeans, a belt with the number "682" labeled on the buckle, underwear, socks, a shirt, and spike arched shoes.

Atanti placed the clothes on, after pulling them out. "Ah that's better," Atanti said. "Now, where were we?" "Would it be your plan, sir?" the computer headed man explained. "Ah yes," Atanti said. "AI, my humble servant. I need you to go to the farthest end of the country, and find someone wearing the possessive mask from the facility."

"Of course, leave the foundation's most intelligent SCP, with the foundation's most psychotic SCP," AI commented. "You realize that one of us could die the moment we face each other, right sir?" "That's why I'm sending you off with this," Atanti said, and pulled out a sub-machine gun, with the number "127" glided along the side. "I emptied out all of the teeth, and filled the gun with bullet cats, AKA "SCP-577". Whoever gets hit by these bullets will die in a second. Now go, and do the task."

"As you wish, sir," AI said. "But before I leave, I need to give you this." The AI then pulled out a cell phone, and gave it to Atanti just before walking away. "During the Containment Breach, I stole some of the phone's from the dying guards," AI explained. "They even had the chargers in their pockets, speaking of here you go sir." AI pulled out a phone charger, and gave it to Atanti. "Excellent work, AI," Atanti said. "I didn't think you would be a smart villain when it comes to theft, but you help out a lot due to your intelligence." "I do my best sir," AI explained. "Now about the possessive mask. Do you have any leads to where he went?" "Perhaps at a far away farm," Atanti said. "I have been getting reports there after the Containment Breach occurred."

AI nodded, and walked off into the forest searching for whoever was wearing the possessive mask. Suddenly, Atanti then noticed yellow glowing eyes from behind one of the trees, and got closer to it. As Atanti got closer to it, he found that the yellow eyes came from a purple creature with claws, no mouth, and had the number "860" on it's forehead. "Ah, your the creature from the Blue Key forest," Atanti said. The creature then pounced at Atanti, but he grabbed it by turning his arm reptilian. "I believe you owe me a favor, after I helped you escape," Atanti said. "Come with me. We shall go see the Plague Doctor."


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