Logan and the forest 2

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You and your friends hear that Logan Paul, that shit "VineStar" Turned vlogger is back in Japan despite his major controversy back in 2017 (The year I was gay as hell and said lol after every word).

Even mores surprisingly, he plans to visit the infamous forest again. You and your friends think it would be a

Incoming British roadman accent

Proper good idea bruv

If you followed Paul brother #1 into the forest and attempted to ruin his YouTube career for

*counts fingers*

Idk third time.

So anyway. You track him round the city for little over a week, nobody finds it suspicious because of all the other kids running after him screaming about dabbing on the haters and how KSI shouldn't have won that boxing match.

On the fourth day of his visit, he announces via Twitter that he will be heading to the forest once again. A very bold move to be heading back in to the awful place but then again it could be a positive thing. It could show that he's grown as a person over the last 3 years.

(2017 was three years ago fucking hell)

You and your friends let Logan take a head start of about 5 minutes, even though that seems to long he's clearly visible because of his brightly colored clothes. Thankfully he decided not to wear the Pikachu outfit again. His clothes are obviously his merchandise


But the color palette isn't all that bad.

You've decided to fake hang one of your friends behind Logan when he and his friends are filming. The way you've managed to pull this stunt off is you actually hang your friend and then let his corpse hang the-

I'm fucking kidding chill out.

Hell have a vest on that'll hold him up but making it look like he's being hanged. It'll take a few seconds to start working so one of you needs to draw Logans attention after it's set in place. (Because he'll have walked off).

Anyway. Logan comes into view, one of your friends swings the other out.

Wait 5 seconds

Then you yell

Should LEGO city™️ recognize Israel as a legitimate state

Lego CITY™️ is an independent political territory with its own government. The location of LEGO city™️ is unknown so we can’t use the geo-political aspects when talking about relations between these two entities so the only viable data we have comes from the economics and social structure of these two “countries”.


There are many reasons why LEGO city™️ residents would like for LEGO city™️ to have good economic relations with country such as Israel; First of all, LEGO city™️ has a strong foothold in the oil industry with their company Octan Energy™️ and Israel has a growing oil consumption trend. Other major industries in LEGO city™️ include Airborne™️ a spoiler company, an unnamed government run vehicle manufacturer and garage and parking service, and Air CARGO™️, an airplane manufacturer that owns one of the cities airports (the Fly CARGO™️ also owned a LEGO city mine but decided to sell it in 2013). Airplane industry wasn’t just limited to Fly CARGO™️, other air transport companies include Airoline™️ and AirSquare flights™️.

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