Chapter 9: Chunin... Who?

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A week after the invasion, Naruto Uzumaki, and Shikamaru Nara are standing in front of the Sandaime Hokage.

Shikamaru has narrow brown eyes and a typical expression suggesting he is either bored or irritated. He has shoulder length black hair tied in a spiky ponytail. He wears a short-sleeved grey jacket with green-edged sleeves and the rudimentary Nara clan symbol on the back, under which is a green-lined mesh armour T-shirt. He also wears brown pants, a pair of his clan's traditional silver hoop earrings, and wears his blue Konoha hitai-ate around his left arm.

The Sandaime says, "Hello Naruto Uzumaki, Shikamaru Nara. Do you two know why you are here?"

Shikamaru answers, "How troublesome, but is it the results of the Chunin Exams?"

The Sandaime replies, "You are correct, Shikamaru. Now, when a disruption to the exams happen only one person may be promoted to Chunin, but since only one of you were in the actual exams, I can promote both of you. So with that said. Congratulations to you both. Here are your Chunin flak jackets, Chunin Uzumaki, Chuni Nara. May you both fan the fire that protects the leaf. You two are dismissed."

The Sandaime then hands them their flak jackets. As they leave the tower, Naruto asks, "So are you going to wear the jacket, or not?"

Shikamaru answers, "It's too troublesome to not wear it. You?"

Naruto answers, "I'll probably stitch the padding into my hoodie, or something. The flak jacket just doesn't fit with my outfit. "

Throughout that night, Naruto does exactly that. His belt has six pouches down the front of it. On the shoulders of the is the neck guard (Not that anyone could tell, as it was stitched into the hoodie itself), and obviously the extra shoulder padding, which is now white to match the hoodie, and has the Uzumaki Swirl on them. He also stitched light padding in the chest, back, and sides. Just enough to protect him, but not impede his movements.

Naruto then wakes up the next day, gets dressed in his "new" clothes, and goes to Team 7's training ground. When he got there he saw that Sasuke, and Sakura were already there. But what shocked him was that Kakashi was already there. So he does the normal, and most sane thing to do: Check if it was a Genjutsu. Twice. Naruto asks, "Why are you here Kakashi-sensei?"

Kakashi answers, "Well... I thought that since one of my sweet little Genin made Chunin that I would teach them, and their teammates better."

Naruto then replies, "Was it that, or did you get verbally beaten by Hokage-jiji."

Kakashi just coughs, and holds up a piece of paper. Naruto then coughs into his hand, while he says, "Whipped!"

The Hatake ignores Naruto, and says, "This piece of paper is called Chakra Induction Paper. When this paper is exposed to even the slightest hint of chakra, it reacts according to the chakra's latent element.

Fire: the paper will ignite and turn to ash. Wind: the paper will split in two. Lightning: the paper will wrinkle. Earth: the paper will turn to dirt and crumble away. Water: the paper will become wet/damp. If the paper does one or more of these things then whatever it does is your Elemental Affinity, and or affinities.

Shinobi have an easier time learning to create and control a chakra nature that matches their affinity, although even then it may take a number of years. Shinobi are not limited to the nature they have an affinity for, and it is in fact common for Jounin to have mastered two natures. Although it is technically possible to master all five natures, it is very rare because of how much training is involved.

Here are your pieces of paper, Naruto, Sakura."

Naruto grabs the piece of paper, and asks, "What about Sasuke?"

Kakashi answers, "During the month of training you three had, I tested Sasuke's affinity already. It's Lightning."

Sakura channels chakra into the piece of paper. Her paper turns to dirt and crumbles away. While Naruto on the other hand does the same thing, and his paper splits in two.

Kakashi says, "Sakura has an Earth Affinity, while Naruto has a Wind Affinity, and Sasuke has a Lightning Affinity. That is good. With Naruto, and Sasuke both being able to use Fire. While Naruto can Water, you three can use all five Elemental Chakra Natures."

After a couple seconds, Kakashi asks, "Other than Sakura, have any of you done the nature exercises?"

Naruto asks, "What are those, Kakashi-sensei?"

Kakashi answers, "They are training exercises to help master an element. For Futon (Wind release), the first step is cutting a leaf in half. While for Doton (Earth Release), the first step is to crumble a rock, and then return said rock to it's previous state. For Katon (Fire Release), the first step is to burn the center of a leaf, but not the edge. Then for Suiton (Water Release, the first step is to bring the moisture out of a leaf allowing it to pool on the top. Finally for Raiton (Lightning Release), the first step is to shoot static through a small stone until it breaks in half."

Sakura asks, "What is the point of them, Kakashi-sensei?"

Kakashi answers, "They double as chakra control exercises. Doing them also makes your jutsu stronger, as it makes it easier to use the jutsu, and control the chakra."

Naruto then asks, "So how do we do the exercise?"

Kakashi answers, "For the Futon exercise, you have to grind your chakra together, making it as sharp as possible to cut the leaf. Now Naruto make some Kage Bunshins, and get to it. Naruto do the Katon, and Suiton Exercises, also. For the Doton exercise, just do as I said, but on repeat."

So each of them do the exercises, for a week.

Meanwhile, Jiraiya is talking with his Sensei. Hiruzen says, "Jiraiya, I'm getting too old for this job. I would have died if it wasn't for the Raikage. So would you please think about becoming the Godaime Hokage?"

Jiraiya thinks about it for a long while. He then says, "Sensei you do know their is another Sannin available to become the Hokage. When she is done, I'll become Hokage. I was hoping to train Naruto on how to run my Spy network. I wouldn't have time, and I most definitely don't have it to become Hokage. You know that it's just not for me. I'm sorry, Sensei."

Hiruzen asks, "Who so you want to bring with you? ANBU members? Perhaps a blonde haired Chunin?"

Jiraiya smirks, and answers, "You know me too well, Sensei. I would like to take Naruto with me, so that I can teach him the Rasengan."

Hiruzen smiled, as he replies, "Minato's jutsu, huh? I'll allow it."

Jiraiya says, "Thanks Sensei."

He then Shunshins to Team 7's training ground. When he got there, he saw Naruto, and his clones doing multiple Elemental Nature Exercises. A group of Naruto clones is doing Futon, another is doing Katon, and the final group is doing Suiton.

Jiraiya says, "Hey, Gaki! Stop training, we have a mission to go on. Just you, and me. So... What are you waiting for? Follow me!"

Naruto nods, dispels all of the clones, and follows Jiraiya. Once they reached the gate, he asks, "What's the mission?"

Jiraiya answers, "We are going to find my teammate: Tsunade Senju! Sensei wants her to be the Godaime Hokage."

Naruto, with a smirk on his face says, "Well then, Pervy Sage. Let's go find the last Senju, Ttebayo!"

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