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"that's what, a three- story fall to the deck?" pope called out above to john b, as the boy stood balancing on the roof of the old turtle habitat which was being turned into a house for a kook family

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"that's what, a three- story fall to the deck?" pope called out above to john b, as the boy stood balancing on the roof of the old turtle habitat which was being turned into a house for a kook family.

malia sat next to jj on the balcony as she let her head rest on his shoulder, her shirt was dangling on the metal poles in front of them drying off. pope was playing around with the tools and kiara was looking around the place.

"i give you about a one-in-three chance of survival" pope estimated tilting his head, causing malia to frown well looking up at john b.

"i'd rather not have you die today, johnny" the blue eyed girl joked nervously.

john b looked between the two before sticking his pointer finger in his mouth and then removing it to check the wind, "should i do it?" he asked making jj look down to pope for confirmation.

"yeah, jump" pope yelled before lifting the drill he held "i'll shoot you on the way down" he closed one eye as he pretended to aim it.

"you'll shoot me?" john b asked finding his friends words funny considering he was quite a bit tipsy.

"they're gonna have japanese toilets with towel warmers" kiara spoke disappointed as she exited the building.

"of course. why wouldn't they?" pope asked sarcastically.

"this used to be a turtle habitat, pope" malia informed the boy as she began to stand up from besides jj, walking to the side of the roof that john b stood on.

she didn't say anything as she stared up at the boy, him trying to balance on one foot as he held his can of beer in another. he was a good looking boy, she'd admit. he gave of surfer vibes, which was her type. but john b was her bestfriend, she didn't believe she could see him in anything but a platonic way.

"who cares about the turtles, i guess?" kie asked as she finally looked up at john b seeing what the boy was doing.

"i can't have cold towels" pope exclaimed as he let himself become interested in whatever tool he was holding.

"can you please not kill yourself?" kie asked scrunching her eyebrows as she gave john b a mild look of worry.

malia was sure there was something going on between john b and kiara, or kiara and jj. but then again to anyone who wasn't in the group they would've thought there was something between herself and john b . she wouldn't blame them, the boys were massive flirts.

"don't spill that beer. i'm not giving you another one" jj warned john b as he took a sip of his own. malia really wished she could have one but she'd rather not go home explaining she got drunk on a closed off construction site.

john b stuck his foot out again slightly losing his balance causing his beer can to drop to the floor, malia slightly winced as she watched him regain his balance. jj rolled his eyes, well kiara looked like she was holding back a small laugh. the sounds of tires approaching grabbed malia's attention.

"hey, the security's here" pope said leaning over the rails to see the two men that would always check the properties. "let's wrap it up" he clapped.

malia rolled her eyes before grabbing her shirt. it was actually one of jj's she had stolen. the girl slid through the poles before making her way to stand with pope and kie. jj shouting out to the security guards, and john b sliding down the roof to get off.

"is it gary?" malia yelled out to jj but instead got an answer from the man himself, she held a grin as she knew what was about to happen.

"you know it's me" gary yelled out in frustration making her grab kiara's hand as she began to bounce on her heels ready to run.

"gary, good to see you, man!" jj yelled as he jumped through the ladder towards a smiling kie.

"you're asking for it" kie laughed as she looked at the blonde boy who gave both girls a mischievous smile.

"jj!" gary shouted before malia began running through the building dragging kie along with her, pope in front, and john and jj behind.

the laughs of the teenagers filled the air as three were slightly tipsy and the other two were just had an adrenaline rush. they all went one by one turning the corner to get to the stairs that led downstairs where john b's van was parked.

jj had gotten down first turning left before gary came into his vision causing the boy to slightly fall over before getting up and running to go right.

"they're coming your way!" gary yelled out to the other guard who malia couldn't recognise, the girls blue eyes squinted as she felt her stomach begin to burn from the running.

"not much of a hugger!" jj yelled as gary had grabbed him before he was able to break free.

pope led them to the fence where john b was already jumping over, waiting on the other side to help lift malia over. the girl put her hands on his shoulders as he quickly lifted her from the side with the guards. pope threw himself over as kiara boosted herself up. pope landed face first as jj went next.

"pope, go, go, go" malia yelled out behind her as she jumped into the front seat next to john b and kie jumped in the back.

"come here, you little pricks!" gary yelled as he jumped onto the fence, john b honking the horn signalling pope and jj to hurry.

"bus is leaving!" john b yelled as he pulled over for jj and pope to jump in the back, kie laughing as pope grunted pulling the door shut.

john b began driving away as malia threw her head back laughing as she could hear the guards running a few feet behind the van. jj pulled the door open again as he stuck his head out. malia leaned over to hit the boys back wanting him to stop being so reckless.

"look at gary running for a raise" pope laughed as he leaned back and pointed out to the man who was clear in their vision.

kie sat next to him laughing as she didn't seem to care how close the man was getting to the door "you're gonna give him a heart attack" she joked as her and malia laughed together.

"slow down! slow down!" jj yelled as he stuck his hand out to gary "you're so close! you can do it. there you go" the boy encouraged fakely as he threw his beer to the man, the remaining liquids hitting him.

"they don't pay you enough, bro" jj yelled out as pope and john b looked at him with the widest smiles imaginable.

"jj, stop. stop" kie scolded, but the look on her face said she found the situation funny. but kie being kie always felt a little bad.

"oh, come on. that sort of initiative is just begging to be punished" jj laughed as they could all hear gary still complaining.

pope leaned over the front seat as he put his head on malia's shoulder, the girl leaning her head back so it was on his back. john b laughed as he looked between his friends. but he just couldn't stop himself from looking at malia longer than the rest. she may have been his best friend, but it didn't mean he couldn't like her.

malia let her eyes roam over the outer banks sign as the teenagers made their way home. john b seemed distracted as he let his eyes roam over the kooks houses, malia's being one of them. she considered asking to get out so she could go home.

but instead she opted for going back to john b's with the others. besides it was her favourite place in outer banks.

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