5) Goodbye world HER pov

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The air was becoming thick and it was getting hard to breathe. The doors wouldn't open and the emergency phone was not working either luckily my phone had some battery left and limited-service so I called Adrian. It went to voicemail. Helpless and out of ideas I got down low and tried to stop breathing in the fumes but that proved more difficult than just breathing the damned thing itself. I couldn't help but think if I go at least Adrian would be happier and could finally get to be with that antagonising redhead. I sat in the middle of the elevator and started to sing "ce sera". It was a song that helped me appreciate the little things. At least I would die knowing that Adrian had a beauty spot on the crook of his shoulder, at least I would go knowing that in some regard he was mine. Slowly my eyes started to shut, exhausted from the day's drama I gasped for air once more before collapsing against the wall of the elevator. Everything went dark. Even the elevator buttons were no longer visible from the floor.

I was awoken by a gust of cold clean wind and the luxe of what seemed to be heaven. At least God found me, I thought to myself. Meanwhile, a strong arm gripped my hand and pulled me out. The cold air was harsh but helpful. I couldn't contain my spluttering coughs and wheezing. The man carried me and rubbed my back until my breathing became normal and my coughing subsided. I kept my eyes shut tight. The light was too bright to adjust to. My hands clutched and grabbed the stranger's torso trying to find warmth. My hands passed over layers of pure muscle and he was broad. I was so grateful I refused to let go of him, I felt other hands trying to pry my hands off him but I wouldn't let go. Whoever this man is, he is mine. I then heard a calm voice telling the hands to stop and they did all at once. Again, I buried myself in him and then I opened my eyes and saw the sea-green eyes staring right back at me. I cried out in relief and kissed him deeply. This moment didn't last long as I began to cough and coughed up blood. The man put me down on the bed and left. His absence felt because my source of warmth had left. I began to shiver uncontrollably and a nurse slammed the door. she hovered over the bed and injected something into my arm. it was cold and ran down my veins. I could feel the lingering sensation burning through me. I just wanted it to stop. my eyes focusing again. I gazed at the nurse pleading for her to make it stop but he began to cackle.

That laugh gave me goosebumps. She removed her hat and I saw the dreaded red hair and knew fate had landed me the worst card in the pack. She threw a cloth in my mouth in an attempt to gag me. I lifted my arms with the utmost strength but they would not lift. They were numb. I tried to shake my legs. They wouldn't move either. I tried to scream but as I did I managed to choke on the cloth. Praying that my sea-green man would come quickly I was helpless. Once again, sleep overcame me and everything turned dark.

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