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If I had to describe my life, it'd be ordinary. Mundane. The same as most people.

I woke up, showered, ate and worked. I was an adult, legally. Eighteen. Suckiest birthday party ever, by the way.

So I did what I could to help my mom out. It was only right for me to pay her back for all the struggles she went through raising me on her own.

Don't get me wrong, my mom's a pain in my ass but I wouldn't have it any other way.
It was my day off, I could sleep in all I wanted, but I'd stayed up the entire night re-reading my The Hunger Games book series.

I didn't usually stay up, if anything my schedule was way too tight for that sort of thing. But coming home earlier in the night than I planned to prior, there wasn't much else for me to do than read. 

I was planning on doing it the day after that night but excitement and nostalgia prevented me from letting the opportunity go to waste.

It wasn't like I hadn't read it in a long time, rather- I had read it a few months ago. But there was something that always made me go back to those books.

Whether or not it had to do with certain characters, we'll never know.

It was around two something AM, my eyelids were half drooped as my glossy gaze scanned the line I was on a few times to get everything right. Mockingjay was my least favorite of the three. So much death, useless death. That was the point of course, but even so..

My head was pounding harshly, which was odd because it was immediate. Not a pounding that grew over time, no, it was sharp and pricked every part of my brain. I couldn't focus on the words in front of me, my grip on my book loosening.

I had the other two underneath my elbows for support, but even that wasn't enough to keep me up now.

All of my weight shifted and as my eyes began to forcibly close, I could feel myself inching forward.


I had a dreamless sleep, instead of any subconscious thoughts making their way into a picturesque show, it was an inky black. I could feel myself floating, it was an odd sensation.
Almost like when you're half asleep, half awake.. Teetering between the two consciousnesses freely because neither want's to take you.

But all at once, I was awoken with a start. This feeling of not getting enough oxygen clawing at my throat. Like I'd been drowning in my sleep, but I was sure I wasn't because I hadn't dreamed anything at all.

My eyes snap open, I'm desperately trying to get the oxygen I needed into my system, breathing heavily. Sweat dripping from my forehead like I'd ran a mile a minute but I was in bed still from what I could feel.

Light poured into the dusty room, a soft sneeze escaping me as I took in my surroundings with wide eyes.

This wasn't my room, in fact I'd never seen this room in my life. The sensible reaction to a situation like this would be to scream, but I couldn't make another sound.

I was trying to process how this could've happened. I lived in the second story of my apartment building so there was no way I could've been smuggled out without feeling it and if someone had broken in, I would've heard. It wasn't like I was sleeping heavily.

So how?..

Footsteps catch my attention and I back up as far away from where I can make out the door as I can, hiding beneath the covers like a child after a nightmare.

"[Y/N]? You're going to be late, get ready quickly it's already seven."A familiar voice reaches me before I hear my door open and I peek out from the blanket to see my mom. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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