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SCP 5020 was laying in his bed when he heard his door open. He looked up to see Xylo and three armed men.
"Hey Mario"said Xylo.
"Let me guess more testing?"replied Mario.
"No" replied Xylo.
Xylo explained that him and Kayla Bear are going on a mission with taskforce agents to caputer Big Foot.
They placed a boom in Kayla Bear for her to obey them. They that they can't hurt Mario so they treatened KaylaBear.

While on the mission they found out Big Foot had a family. Big Foot noticed that Mario and KaylaBear was were being forced to help them. He decided to help them. One of the agents decided to help the SCPs escape. KaylaBear had to bite the man that helped them to make to look like they forced to help them.

Mario and KaylaBear ran as far and fast as they could. They stopped in the middle of the forest to catch their breath. KaylaBear took out a knife, cut into her skin and taking out the boom and something else.
"I can't believe that they didn't notice I had this"said KaylaBear as she held up SCP:The Magic Lamp.
"Why do you have that!?" Mario asked.
"For us to live a normal life!"replied KaylaBear.

She rodded the lamp and made her wishes.
"I wish to be human but I'll keep my powers" started KaylaBear.
"You want to keep your powers!?"asked Mario.
"In case we run into the trouble"replied KaylaBear.
KaylaBear turned into a human girl with blue hair.
"I wish for Mario to have I new ID but he'll keep his powers" coutined KaylaBear.
Mario turned into a completely different person. You guys can decide what Mario looks like.
"And for my final wish I wish for me and Mario to be teleported to the closest city.
Suddenly a bright light appeared around them when it disappear they were in the city.
"We can finally start our new life!"yelled KaylaBear.
Mario and KaylaBear gave each other a huge slime. There was only one question that was bordering them, this question was 'Who was that guy who helped them?'.

Back at Big Foot's cave right before the guy who helped them turned into a Teddy bear he took off his helmet relieving that he was Bryan. After a while Bryan Bear was there. He walked out of the cave, took out his phone and called someone. After he hung up SCP 1765-2, one of the three SCPs that makeup SCP-1765, appeared before him.
"Oh I guess this is what you meant by a Bearrary situation" Evelyn said.
"Just help me out, Evelyn"said Bryan.
Evelyn changed Bryan back to normal and took him to the Slender Mansion.

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