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~The Next Day ~ Ryder's POV~

"Here you go" The girl, Ruby, said as she set my coffee down. I knew her because I've seen her around with Vanessa. 


I'm starting to see how much of a bitch she is. I was nice and asked her out and she rudely rejected me in front of the entire diner. I'm done with her, soon she'll learn that pissing me off is not wise...

Grabbing my coffee, I walked out of the diner and right into someone: Vanessa... This seemed to happen a lot for some reason "Sorry."

Vanessa glared at me "Why do you never look where you're going?"

"I could ask you the same question"

She motioned to the baby on her hip. It was the same baby that I saw with Snow White the first day I was here, must be her brother "I'm babysitting..."


She sighed and rolled her eyes. "He takes up most of my attention. Now if you excuse me, I need coffee"

Vanessa went to walk around me but I stopped her. She went to say something but I stopped her

"Why are you being such a bitch? I've been being nice to you and you've just been being rude and ignorant"

"You nice? Ha," She set the baby on her other hip, "You asked me out, I said no, and you wouldn't take no for an answer and kept asking me out. I'm pretty sure that wasn't being nice"

I glared at her. "You should have given me a chance Love..." I brushed her cheek "I could have made you-" I leaned in so my lips were almost touching her ear "-scream..." 

A smirk spread across her face, suddenly I was pulled backward and thrown down. A guy with a hook for a hand stood there, with an incredibly angry look on his face. He looked familiar but I couldn't place him

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" His voice shook with rage 

I stood up and brushed myself off "What's it to you?"

Vanessa walked over and stood next to the hooked man. "Remember before when I said that I was friends with a pirate that doesn't mind killing someone who doesn't respect my personal space? Ryder, meet Captain Hook" She motioned to the man next to her

That's why he looked familiar, I remember him from karaoke night. Before I could say anything the man, Hook, grabbed me and slammed me up against the wall

"Stay. Away. From. My. Nessa." He said through gritted teeth "She's not your toy or someone you can use. She's like my little sister and if you so much as look at her, I'll kick your ass"

Vanessa put her hand on his arm "I think he got the message, Kil,"

The pirate backed off. Without saying a word he pulled Vanessa and the child away and they went into the diner

They're going to regret this...

~Vanessa's POV~

Killian grabbed my arm and pulled me into Granny's. "Are you okay Luv?"

I nodded and sat down in a booth with Neal in my lap. Killian sat down across from me, I could tell he still was angry about what happened. I didn't know Killian was going to be there right then, it was such good timing. 

Ruby came over and took our orders: Two grilled cheeses, a regular coffee, and an iced coffee. 

"What were you doing outside Granny's?" I asked as I took out Neal's baby food

"Looking for you actually. I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out with me today"

I laughed "Well, here we are" I motioned to the two of us, as we were already hanging out "As long as you don't mind having a baby around"

I smiled at Ruby as she brought over our food and drinks as well as a highchair for Neal

"Nah I don't mind. He's adorable" He reached over and pinched Neal's cheek. "He's got your eyes"

I looked down at Neal, Killian was right. Neal had the exact same shade of blue I had, we both must get it from Charming. 

"Why'd they stick you with babysitting?" 

"They didn't" I fed Neal another spoonful, he then took the spoon from me and tried to feed himself "I offered. Charming had to go to work at the sheriff station with Emma and I could tell Snow needed a break, so I offered to watch him for the day. Plus it gives me time to hang out with my cool new little bro"

As I said that Neal flung a spoonful of baby food at me, hitting me right in the middle of my face. Killian laughed and handed me a napkin "Your cool little bro, huh?"

"Oh shut it"

After wiping the food off my face, I put the lid back onto the jar. "Looks like you're done"

I gave Neal a few toys that I had brought with me before turning back to Killian. Killian sat there with a smile as he watched me with Neal


"Nothing" He shook his head "You've just become so much more mature since I last saw you in the Enchanted Forest"

I took a bite of my grilled cheese and shrugged "Well in the Enchanted Forest I was 14. I've matured a lot since then, it's been what-" I paused as I did the math "-18 years? Since then"

Killian nodded "Aye, I'd say that's about right"

I portal jumped for about 14 years after Killian left and then I came to this world and was here for 4 years so yeah, about 18 years

Killian's phone rang and he excused himself to answer it. Not long later he came back with a weird look on his face "We need to go"

"What why?"

"That was Emma," He said, as he raised the phone "Someone called in saying they found a dead body in town... Emma and David want us to come down"

Before I could say anything, he grabbed my arm and tried to pull me out the door. "Killian wait, my brother!"

He let go of my arm and I grabbed Neal out of his highchair. 


We made it to the crime scene where Emma and Charming were waiting. Why they wanted us there we had no idea

"What happened?"

"We don't know" Emma answered. "We got a call and when we got here we found that" She motioned forwards. Not too far from where we were standing was a body

Charming walked over to us "Do you recognize him? We've never seen him around town"

Killian and I both shook our heads. 

"Has anything ever happened in town like this?" I peeled my eyes away from the body to look at Emma and Charming

"Well before the curse broke a heart was found, it was Kathryn's but she ended up being found alive. And not long after the curse broke Billy, a mechanic, was found dead. Everyone thought it was Ruby, in her wolf form, but it ended up being Albert Spencer, or King George as he's known as in our world" Charming said

"Do you think he'd do it again?"

Charming shook his head "No, last time he was trying to frame Ruby. He'd have no reason to now. But I guess it doesn't hurt to question him"

Why would someone do this? 

"Why don't you and Neal head home Luv," Killian said, turning to me. 

Charming nodded "I agree with the Pirate. Neither of you needs to be here, we just wanted to know if he looked familiar to you" 

Normally I would have protested but they were right. Neal and I shouldn't be here and honestly, I don't want to be

"Meet you back at the loft," I said before leaving. 

Storybrooke was normally a safe town, but now... Now there was a murderer on the loose...

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