Why Are You Angry Mr. Alpha? You Rejected Me Remember? 10

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Okay so you know those movies the girl walks down the school corridor, and everything is in slow motion? Well it felt like that was happening, like I was walking to my grave or something, when in reality I'm only walking over too Cadan's bike.

He was leaning against the wall beside the bike, a helmet wedged between his arm and rib cage and a leather jacket now slung over the black t-shirt he has on. I could already feel my heart starting to leap around in my chest, and my wolf wouldn't quit her howling.

"Hey." he smiled, handing me a helmet. I took it, slipping it on over my head and flipping all my hair over my shoulders.

"So where can you be possibly taking me?" I asked, my voice slightly muffled from my cheeks being so squished together.

"To mine." He grinned hooking his leg over the bike he patted the space behind him, wanting me to sit. I shifted my bag across two shoulders and swung my leg over to be seated behind him. I'd never been so close to him before, I'm surprised my heart isn't out my chest yet. "Wrap your arms around me."

I took a deep breath and did as I was told, currents of jolts tingled up my arms and down my spine as I touched him. He jolted slightly too, which moved me closer too him so my whole body was against his back.

"Okay?" he said, slightly out of breath.

"Mhm." I hummed in response, scared my voice would betray me. He started the bike and patted my hands that were looped around his waist.

It wasn't a long journey too his house, which I was quite disappointed about. Nonetheless it was good to wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans. The house was like the pack house, very large and in the middle of the forest.

"Reminds me of the pack house." I mumbled, handing him back the helmet and trying to tame the frizz of hair on my head.

"That's what I thought when we first got here, but, it's a lot smaller than the pack house." He muttered, opening the front door, the layout much like the pack houses' but as he said, a lot smaller. He guided me swiftly through the wooden house, too a living room with dark leather sofa's and family portraits up on the walls. He sat down and patted the seat next to him softly, i smiled, trying to hide the biting of the inside of my cheek.

"Sorry about just throwing that information at you earlier.. i mean.. that was selfish of me." I muttered, my eyes scanning over the family portraits quickly.

"Better now, rather than later." He chuckled, following my scan of the walls.

"I guess." I smiled, turning too look at him, within seconds of me turning to look at family portaits he'd gotten closer, close enough I could smell him so strongly he might as well be sitting on my lap.

"I just want to try something, kiss me, lets see if this thing is real." He said scratching at the back of his head, a faint crimson brightened his cheeks as his eyes wandered helplessly in my own.

"Okay." I muttered nervously, he dropped his hand almost instantly from his head and gently placed it on my upper arm before he leant in smiling.

"Ready?" He mumbled, his lips faintly brushing my own as he spoke. Speechless, I nodded numbly.

Soon enough, his lips were planted on mine, I felt my wolfs happiness blossom, I felt my own happiness blossom, I felt a connection, an unbreakable one.

A mate one.

We both jumped back, I touched my lips frowning, it felt like i'd got an electric shock, I looked over too Cadan who was looking as confused as myself.

"I definitely think its real." He breathed, a smile forming onto his face. I nodded, a small, yet noticeable smile was forming onto my lips.

"So I think we should take this slowly?" I muttered, Cadan nodded.

"I don't want to jinx it or anything." he laughed, standing up, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up too. "Time to go back to the hellhole, c'mon."

Cadan lead me back out the house to his bike, holding my hand the whole time, the pulse of energy was astonishing, like a heart beat it thumped. A thump only the two of us could hear.


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