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Just a quick note, I found this chapter quite hard to write because of all the big science words etc and the sound quality. The amount of times I rewound it a had to write it down cause I don't have subtitles is unbelievable ahah. Anyways, if there is any mistakes, please feel free to comment them so i can change them. Also, the facts that I myself put in are not true, they're made up.


"Beneath the crust of the Earth, is an unimaginable heat, so hot, rock melts and seeps through the ground in a liquefied state. It's a mile and a half beneath us, in a place no life should be able to exist. This is where we are about to go. We are about to reach into the birth canal of Mother Earth...There they are. Look at them son. Black smokers. Tube Worms...I'm a hungry man. Don't blink, a rare sight. Hmm...ahhh," Dr Raleigh Young said as he walked round, opening a few drawers here and there. Lucas was sat net to me while Kristen and Nathan stood and watched.

"He's crazy," I muttered to myself making Lucas laugh as he heard.

"Can you eat this?" Dr Raleigh Young said as he took out a frozen squid type animal and put it in front of Kristen.

"There's a thought," she replied, unamused.

"This is a hydro thermal vent, an underwater volcano. Sea water, lava, smoke," Lucas said, looking at the screen.

"Yes..." Dr Raleigh said, wondering what the boy was trying to say.

"So what?" He replied with a shrug making me try and stiff a laugh.

"That smoke is laced with the earths most consolidated minerals. When a factory dumps them in a river, the river dies, but here? Here they're dumped in their most concentrated form yet around them grows life," Dr Raleigh Young replied, putting his fist in the air when he said he word 'life.'

"Why? Is it the sea water? The pressure? Or is it something in the vent," he added on, looking to both me and Lucas.

"What's in the vent is a hundred spices of bacteria we know nothing about," Kristen spoke making Dr Raleigh stand up and look to her. 

"They're living creatures," he argued.

"They're deadly organisms," she fired back.

"Surviving organisms. We're about to open the door on the how or why of their survival," Dr Raleigh Young said, opening his eyes wider.

"Or we are about to open Pandora's Box," I said, looking at the adult making everyone look back to me, Kristen nodding in agreement.  

"Show me my plat form, Nathan," Dr Raleigh Young said looking to Captain and completely ignoring me. This made my blood boil. If there's one thing I hate more than anything, it's when people purposefully ignore.

"Prick," I muttered, standing up with a tray in my hand about to batter the guy when Lucas. stood up in my way.

"Stop, Amy. Just forget about," he whispered making me look into his ocean blue eyes and slowly lower the tray.

"I'm gonna get him next time," I muttered making Lucas laugh as we sat back down.

Captain picked up the remote, changing the screen for Dr Raleigh Young making us all lot at the new image. 

"Beautiful, isn't she? Once the plat form is anchored over the vent, the heat emanating from the smoker is transformed into energy," Dr Raleigh said as he came to sit by Lucas and I again.

"Powering the plat forms survey systems. Spectral analysis Immunol chemistry, thermal evaluations. An absolute dissection, yet unexplored habitat," he added on making me roll my eyes. Suddenly a dolphin appeared on the screen making Captain walk closer.

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