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In this Chapter, it involves Lucas having a dream. In the series, his dream was about Hitchcock, here it'll be about Amy.


Walking down one the of corridors, I bumped into Nathan who had a massive smile placed upon his face.

"What's got you all smiley?" I questioned him.

"We've made a great discovering," he said, soon telling me about the Library they found underwater, the artefacts too.

"Wow, well that does sound interesting. So you said some people would go down there to explore..." I said trailing off making Nathan laugh.

"Yes Amy, you can come too. Also, we've got visitors coming today so be on your best behaviour, tell Lucas that too," he said, before he carried on walking with a spring in his step making me laugh. Walking down to Lucas's room, I knocked on the door. After hearing a faint come in, I opened it to reveal a sweaty Lucas.

"Eww, why you so sweaty?" I asked, my mind immediately going to the worse. Instead of responding, he just looked me up and down, slightly blushing which kinda freaked me out.

"You're being weird," I said, making his head snap up and his eyes to go wide.

"Me weird? No, no. I'm not being weird, you are," he said almost nervously.

"Yeah, okay...umm, Nathan wanted me to tell you that you need to be on your best behaviour today. We got some visitors or something," I said with a shrug at the end.

"Okay, thanks," he said looking anywhere but me.

"I guess i'll see you around then..." I said suspiciously. Turning around to leave, I heard him call my name.

"Amy, wait. What are- what are you doing today?" He asked, standing up from his bed. 

"Umm, I think i'm gonna go to the gym, why?" I asked wanting to know why the boy was suddenly so interested in my life.

"Can I come? I uhh, I need a gym buddy," he said with a smile though I felt like something was up.

"...Sure, it would be nice to have you. I'm just gonna get changed and then we'll walk down together," I said before leaving his room.

Going across the hall and into mine, I got changed into some black shorts and a black sports bra. Putting on my shoes, I walked outside to find Lucas already waiting. 

"You ready?" I asked but I got no reply.

"Yo, Lucas?" I said again, this time waving my hand in front of his face.

"Y-yeah?" He asked, completely lost.

"I said you ready," I said with a laugh.

"Oh, yeah..." he said trailing off making me laugh yet again.

"You're so weird," I said before walking off to the gym, Lucas following behind.

Once getting there, I went to the pull up bars while I saw Lucas go on the step machine. It was nice and peaceful since it was only the two of us but I kept noticing Lucas was staring.

"What is up with him today?"

After about 10 minutes, I heard a group of people walk in. 

"Now while you're on board uhh, Captain Bridger wants you to have total access to all of our facilities. This of course is our gym and through this door over here is the officers nest where you'll have full privileges also," Royce said as he walked around the room with the visitors. After about on hour in the gym, I decided that that was enough for the day.

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