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"911, what's your emergency?"

"T-There's an old man! I think he may be dead!"

"Where is your location, ma'am?"

"I am right behind Aroha Apartments!"

"Okay, please stay there we have help on the way."

The dispatcher turned her chair around and pressed an alarm and picked up a phone, "we have a death at Aroha Apartments! I repeat, death at Aroha Apartments! We need help!"

Policemen and ambulances immediately arrived at the scene. There was yellow tape around the building, no one could go in or out.

"Chanyeol, we're gonna need you here," a policemen called through his walkie talkie.

"Coming," Chanyeol sighed and quickly drove to the scene. He was disappointed, there hasn't been a death in the city in a week and now that there was it just meant more pressure and stress on him and his team. Soon he arrived and made his way towards the body. He took a flashlight out and looked at the old man's back. Chanyeol looked up towards the building and back to the man's face. His face widen as he saw a white note, he put some gloves on and read the note: "I'm sorry to everyone who I am hurting but I just had to. I'm sorry to my wonderful wife. I have been under too much stress trying to keep my company under control. All this stress and pressure made me like this. I am sorry. Kim Jungho."

Chanyeol sighed and put the note in a small bag and into his pockets. "Kim Jungho, looks about 60 years old. Maybe 170-175 centimeters tall. About 70-75 kilograms. Looks like he's been laying here for about an hour."

Chanyeol looked around the man, inspecting his body. There was no carving in this one. Chanyeol looked up at the tall building once again. "We're going to have to view security."

Baekhyun looked at the crime scene from his window. The table and chairs from the rooftop were stored away as soon as Baekhyun pushed his old boss of the roof. He made sure to leave no evidence that he was near the old man.

The white haired male let out a small chuckle then it turned into a laugh. He had committed another crime. Baekhyun immediately stopped and went back to his normal, calm face. He acted as if nothing happened.

Baekhyun was one step ahead. He knew that he would have to get to work soon. He grabbed his laptop from his bed and sat down. He shut down his computer completely but then it came back on. The screen was completely black with red codes appearing. Baekhyun was smart and knew what he had to do.

"Say goodbye to your life, Jung Soohyun."

Chanyeol entered the tall apartment building with his notepad in his hand. He looked around and saw the service desk, "Detective Park Chanyeol. This is my partner, Choi Minho, may we please have a look at the security cameras?"

"Yes, right this way," the receptionist made her way into a back room, "the computers for the camera are through that door. You guys have permission to use it at all cost."

The Boy With Bloody Hands ↬ ChanBaekWhere stories live. Discover now