Steven Universe

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Cinnabar glared at the amethyst in front of him, pushing back against his weapon with his sword. The purple gem growled, "I'm gonna say this again, leave Earth and never come back!"

"Not until you rebels have been dealt with!"

Cinnabar was about to give his report on the outcome of the rebels but before he could give the report they were attacked by them, the main two being amethyst soldiers. Not standing for this act of treachery he went ahead to fight, even though his gem was not meant for this purpose. The two continued to swing their weapons at one another, many other gems fought around them, but the two did not let up.

The amethyst then saw an opening and knocked the Cinnabar back into a wall, the red gem let out a yelp at the contact, he was about to get up and continue the fight when a large piece of the wall came loose, he looked up and saw that he was about to be crushed, if not shattered when he felt something grab his arm and pull him away, he looked over and saw a glimpse of purple before things turned white.

The fighting gems gasped at the sight of the new gem, they were a light pink color wearing a long black coat over a white tunic, they had white pants and black knee tall boots, they had two gems, both colored pink, one on the right side of their chest, and the other on their abdomen. The gem looked over themselves, curly hair falling in front of their eyes and they whispered, "What is..."

The gem's form turned white and the Cinnabar and Amethyst fell to the ground, their eyes wide as they looked at each other in shock. Only to hear homeworld gems around them spit vile words. "Disgusting!"



The amethyst looked around, and saw the other he called his brother motioning for them to leave, "Mondo we gotta go!"

He looked and saw that the homeworld gems were circling them, seemingly forgetting the rebels, and he looked at the smaller gem, his eyes were welling with tears, "No, i-it was an accident!"


Said gem sharply turned to see his captain Emerald glaring down at him in distaste, "Time and time again you have messed up, we thought we'd let it slid, but this disaster shows that you truly are worthless you reprehensible off-color."

"No please!"

The amethyst watched at the Emerald walked closer with a weapon in hand and saw the Cinnabar trembling with tears streaming down his face, he bared his teeth at the sight, this was exactly why he and the others deflected, and this gem didn't deserve to be shattered, who cares if they were just fighting moments ago. He muttered to himself, "Damnit," before grabbing and red gem's hand and running off, the crowed departed to avoid being touched or attacked, allowing the purple gem a way out. He didn't hear the red gem's words as he launched himself off the platform of the ship and fell down to the earth's surface with Cinnabar's hand still in his own.

They landed on Earth ungracefully, as they fell into tree limbs and landed on the hard ground. The amethyst groaned as he sat up and rubbed the back of his head, he looked over at the cinnabar who had a pained expression with tears still running down his face. "Hey ya alright?"

His red eyes opened and looked at the rebel, his thoughts racing, he was about to be shattered by his Emerald and he saved him? But why? "Why did you save me?"

Lavender eyes blinked at the red gem, "Well I couldn't let them shatter ya, especially with what happened."

Cinnabar blinked and said, "Thank you Amethyst."


"What?" He looked up at the soldier gem.

"I don't go by that anymore, I gave myself a new name after me and my bro deflected, to show that they had no hold over us anymore, so call me Mondo."

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