Dec 26, 2014 - Dearest Jimmy

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Day 5 of "Jimmy-Week" :)

by @Always_Arin <3

Dearest Jimmy, 

Its been 5 years since you left our world. You would be what? 33. Yeah. You would be 33 this year. 

Ah the early 30's. In my eyes you'd be getting a little old Jimmy. Yet you would probably have fan girls all over the world. 

I remember I found out about Avenged back in January of 2009. My older brother blasted it in his speakers while we were home alone. Back then I was a girly girl. Oh how girly I was. Everything I had was pink. I shouted at my brother to turn that music down seeing how I hated any type of rock at that time of age.

In the end he never turned it down and I was forced to plug in my iPod Nano and blast Justin Beiber. Still weird how I liked that douche of a kid. 

When my parents got home my brother turned it off and that was that. No more Avenged. 

When I turned 10 in May I went through my 'Scene Faze'. I burnt my hair to a crisp and almost everything I owned was either neon or black. (Why did I do this. I WAS ONLY 10 I WAS SO DISTURBED HALP)  I remember going to my friends house and she(She was 3 years older and grew up with rock music) shoving City of Evil in my hands and demanding I listen to it. Now I forgot who Avenged Sevenfold was by then, so when I listened to it I was shocked. I fell in love with the band after listening to COE for about 5 times. 

I finally ended up doing some research on Avenged and came to love everyone of the guys. Mostly you because I loved your crazy nature and how you cared for everyone you met. I just wanted you to hug me. Weird in a way......

 Anyways, over the summer I ended listening to every album out by you guys. I was just caught up with you guys. I bought whatever merchandise I could get my hands on at Hot Topic. Probably spent most of my mother paychecks but oh well. It was worth it. 

 Christmas finally rolled around and I was excited. My wish list was just filled with Avenged shit. (I did not believe in Santa e.e) I just hoped my parents would get the right stuff. So at 4am on Christmas I barged into my parents room and demanded the got up. Same with my brother. (He was pissed. Lol. Sibling love) We gathered around the tree and tore open our presents. I got what I wanted and I was happy. I got my first phone also. Fuck yeah! 

Three days later I'm goofing around with my brother when my brother gets a message. He pushed me off the couch and checks his phone. His face fell and I could see tears brimming. 

"Hunter? What's wrong" I asked. Even if my brother was a pain in the ass. I still loved him. He knew about my love for Avenged and often teased me about it. He showed me the phone and I read the message. 

"Dude The Rev fucking died! Check their MySpace page!" 

My eyes widened and I looked at my brother. "Check it!" I nearly screamed at him. We ran to the family computer and pulled up the Avenged MySpace page. Our hearts dropped when we found out you actually died. Sure we didn't actually know you but we felt like it. 

You were such a great drummer and I knew a lot of people were broken that day. You left us and now you're probably chasing stallion ducks in the sky. 

All I know is that my brother and I stayed cooped up in our room till break was over. We felt like we lost family. Our parents thought we got in real big trouble and caused something but we couldn't tell her we were hurt because someone we didn't known had died. She would think we were crazy. (We were but that's besides the point) 

2 years later we were much better. We probably weren't as bad as Matt and the rest of the guys. I finally decided to see if an interviews had happen since your death. Sure enough there was. I read that you said to Papa Gates you would become a famous rock star and die before 30. You were 15 then, Jimmy. Holy shit. Did you have your whole life planned out? Even your death? 

You also left your jacket at Zacky's place and when he called and told you left it, you just said he can have it. That was Zacky's favourite jacket. 

You surprise my Jimmy, even in death. I look at all the videos of fans with your death bat as a tattoo and signs with 'foREVer' and such. Your fan base is fucking amazing.

Arin may be my celebrity crush, but you started it all. When I looked the band up. Now I have all these amazing friends who also love you guys, and I thank you for that Jimmy. For being in my life for a short time but making such a big difference. 

If it wasn't for you, I'd probably be a hermit and not talking to anyone and staying in my room. Now I stand up for what I think is right and speak my mind.

You are the best person in this world and still making great changes in this world. Even in death. 

Always and foREVer, 


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